Discord Tips and Tricks - technologEEE-NJ/oxygendiscord GitHub Wiki
For you name changers you want to hit the menu in the top left, the three dots menu next to the group name and look for "Change nickname"
In that same three dots menu there should be "server settings" in which you should be able to find "emoji" where you can upload custom emoji
Also "liking" messages on discord, long press a message and click "add reaction" to add whatever emoji you want
Everyone can change their notification settings individually. They can be changed on a per channel basis through the top right three dots menu, notification settings, or they can be changed server wide by hitting the top left menu, opening the three dots menu there and find notification settings
Text formatting, checkout this guide https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/210298617-Markdown-Text-101-Chat-Formatting-Bold-Italic-Underline-
Also, strikethrough ~~strikethrough~~ and spoilers ||spoilers|| exist too
- Channel topics can be seen at the top of the member list and edited from the top right three dots menu, look for "channel settings" and "channel topic"