Simm Upload - techbasejs/techbase GitHub Wiki


npm install simm-uploader
import firebaseChat from 'simm-uploader';

const UploadOptions = {
  layout: 'basic', // basic or advanced, basic is simple layout, advanced is full-feature but it's complex layout.
  target: '#inputFile',
  accept: 'image/png,image/jpeg',
  disabled: false,
  isMultiple: false,
  autoUpload: false,
  dragToUpload: false,
  driver: 'local' // local, s3,
  hooks: {
    onPreview: (file) => {},  // hook function when clicking the uploaded files
    onRemove: (file, fileList) => {}, // hook function when files are removed
    onSuccess: (response, file, fileList) => {}, // hook function when uploaded successfully
    onError: (err, file, fileList) => {}, // hook function when some errors occurs
    onProgress: (event, file, fileList) => {}, // hook function when some progress occurs
    onChange: (file, fileList) => {}, // hook function when select file or upload file success or upload file fail
    beforeUpload: (file) => {}, // hook function before uploading with the file to be uploaded as its parameter. If false is  returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, uploading will be aborted
    beforeRemove: (file, fileList) => {},  // hook function before removing a file with the file and file list as its parameters. If false is returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, removing will be aborted.

class SimmUploader {
  constructor(private options: UploadOptions) {}
  render() {} // handle logic render layout
  submit() {} // handle logic when submit upload file
  setFileList () {} // handle logic set list File to display
  clearFiles () {} // clear the uploaded file list 