Package Goal - techbasejs/techbase GitHub Wiki
- Sử dụng để validation các case thường có trong các dự án, đặc biệt là tiếng Nhật.
- support tích hợp được với các thư viện khác (Yup, react-hook-form, vuelidate, ...).
- support extends được với cái rule không cố định.
Đối với validate 1 giá trị
import { isFullWidth, isNumber } from 'simm-validation';
isFullWidth("Nguyen Van A") // output: false
isNumber(10) // output: true
Đối với validate 1 object
import { validate } from 'simm-validation';
const obj = {
name: 'Nguyen Van A',
age: 10,
validate.sync(obj, {
name: validate.string().isFullWidth().isHalfWidth(),
age: validate.number().min(18).max(100),
Đối với tích hợp các thư viện khác (react-hooks-form):
import { validate, useValidationResolver } from 'simm-validation'
const validationSchema = validate.object({
firstName: validate.string().required(),
lastName: validate.string().required(),
const resolver = useValidationResolver(validationSchema)
const { handleSubmit, register } = useForm({ resolver })
Extends từ các rule không cố định.
import { validate } from 'simm-validation'
validate.addMethod("isJapaneseNumber", (value) => {
// write custom rules
- Hoàn thành UI basic, có thể custom được từng phần của UI.
- Preview file (image, video, audio, pdf, ...), edit image (rotate, cut, ...).
- Drag and drop
- Chunks upload
import simmUpload from 'simm-upload'
const customPreviewElm = document.createElement('img');
simmUpload.upload("#myContainer", {
editable: true,
chunks: true,
ui: {
preview: (file) => {
customPreviewElm.src = file.url
return customPreviewElm
- Tạo 1 XMLHttpRequest đơn giản, tinh gọn.
- Support interceptors.
- Handle errors.
- Tính năng retry, caching.
- Support hooks, composable cho react & vue.
import { simmFetch } from 'simm-fetch';
await simmFetch('')
await simmFetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
await simmFetch('/create', {
baseURL: '',
method: 'POST',
await simmFetch('', {
retry: 5,
cache: {
expire: 24 * 60 * 60 // 1 day
- Work với framework nextjs >= 13 + nextjs app & page.
- Support credentials, providers (google, twitter, line, ...).
- useSession, getSession.
- Support mapping với restAPI.
- Support SignIn, SignOut, 2FA.
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { withAuth } from "simple-next-auth";
const auth = withAuth(function middleware(request) {
const pathname = request.nextUrl.pathname;
if (pathname === "/") {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL("/login", request.url));
export default auth;
// See "Matching Paths" below to learn more
export const config = {
matcher: [
// "/:path*",
import { SessionProvider } from "simm-next-auth/react";
export default function App({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return <SessionProvider>{children}</SessionProvider>;
import { auth, Provider, AuthRequestType } from "simple-next-auth";
import { NextRequest } from "next/server";
const loginProvider = new Provider("credentials", {
name: "login",
handler: async (
request: AuthRequestType<{
email?: string;
password?: string;
enable_2fa?: boolean;
) => {
const body = await request.json();
return {
authorized: !body.enable_2fa,
session: body,
jwt: {},
const twoFactorProvider = new Provider("credentials", {
name: "2fa",
handler: async (request: AuthRequestType<{ name?: string }>, { session }) => {
const body = await request.json();
return {
session: session,
jwt: {
// Jwt options
const h = auth({
providers: [loginProvider, twoFactorProvider],
export { h as GET, h as POST };
- Support SSH client
- Support proxyJump
- Support SFTP
- Support deploy with git & docker
- Support exec
- Support file config (simm.config.ts or simm.config.js)
simm deploy [environment] --dir myDir
simm sftp [environment]
simm exec [environment] echo "Hello, world"
import fs from "node:fs";
import { defineConfig } from "simm-cli";
export default defineConfig({
servers: {
production: {
user: "__USER__",
host: "__HOST__",
privateKey: "__PRIVATE_KEY__",
passsword: "__PASSWORD__",
deploy: {
branch: "main",
repo: ``,
path: "/home/_works/",
postDeploy: "pnpm install && pnpm build",
import fs from "node:fs";
import { defineConfig } from "simm-cli";
export default defineConfig({
servers: {
bastion: {
user: "__USER__",
host: "__HOST__",
privateKey: "__PRIVATE_KEY__",
passsword: "__PASSWORD__",
production: {
user: "__USER__",
host: "__HOST__",
privateKey: "__PRIVATE_KEY__",
passsword: "__PASSWORD__",
proxyJump: "bastion",
deploy: {
branch: "main",
repo: ``,
path: "/home/_works/",
postDeploy: "pnpm install && pnpm build",
import { defineConfig } from "simm-cli";
export default defineConfig({
servers: {
production: {
user: "__USER__",
host: "__HOST__",
privateKey: "__PRIVATE_KEY__",
passsword: "__PASSWORD__",
sftp: {
preSftp: "pnpm build",
source: "/home/local/source",
dest: "/home/remote/source",
postSftp: "systemctl restart nginx",
// proxyJump: 'bastion', when use proxyJump to a bastion server
- Build lên được UI chat cơ bản (có thể dễ dàng customize).
- Support các component cho react & vue.
- Support upload & preview media.
- Support virtual scroll cho list message.
- Support target tới 1 message bất kỳ.
- Support connect tới aloglia.
import { firebaseChatUI } from 'simm-firebase-chat'
firebaseChatUI.render('#myContainer', {
ui: {
audio: () => document.createElement('audio'),
video: () => document.createElement('video'),
media: {
recording: true,
audio: true,
video: true,
import { FirebaseChatUI, FirebaseChatUIOptions } from 'simm-firebase-chat/react';
const options: FirebaseChatUIOptions = {
ui: {
audio: () => <audio />,
video: () => <video />,
media: {
recording: true,
audio: true,
video: true,
export default function ChatLayout() {
return <FirebaseChatUI options={options} />