02: Project Plan - team-photo-app/photo-app GitHub Wiki

Initial Planning

initial whiteboard


map and stretch

MVP Goals

  • Native app using React and Google Firebase
  • Oauth signup and login using Google
  • Users create events
  • Users take pictures that store to and are viewable from Google Firebase

Stretch Goals

  • User creates event, app generates QR code
  • Users create multiple events
  • QR code usable by users to sign up for event

Technical Tasks/Estimates (User Stories):

  • As a developer, I want users to be able to sign up and sign in using Google Oauth (est. 5 hours)
  • As a developer, I want users to be able to use their camera to take pictures (est. 4 hours)
  • As a developer, I want users to be able to save photos they took to a cloud database (est. 4 hours)
  • As a developer, I want users to be able to view the photos of all guests of the event (est. 4 hours)
  • As a developer, I want users to create events and view their events (est. 5 hours)
  • As a developer, I want users to be able to generate a QR code for each event to share with guests (est. 5 hours)
  • As a developer, I want user information to be stored on picture data when saved (est. 3 hours)
  • As a user, I want the UI to be beautiful, easy and intuitive to use
  • As a user, I want to be able to share the QR code with my guests easily