01: PixE Team Agreement - team-photo-app/photo-app GitHub Wiki

Communication plan

How will your group communicate with each other? What is your strategy for ensuring everyone’s voices are heard, and that contributions from both loud and soft voices are listened to? Do you have a plan for managing psychological safety?

  • Primary: Slack & face-to-face
  • Secondary: GitHub Projects

Conflict plan

What will your group do when it encounters conflict? What will your process be to resolve it?

  • CheckIns - just being accountable and open with each other
  • Come from a place of kindness
  • Radical Candor (Use "I statements" - we aren't here to attack each other)
  • Negotiation and pitch for five minutes (with a timer), and then agree and move forward with grace

Work plan

How we will identify tasks, assign tasks, know when they are complete, and manage work in general? How we’ll track whether everyone is contributing equally to all parts of the application, and that each person is working on “meaty” problems.

  • GitHub Projects
  • Hold each other accountable

Git process

What is your Git flow? How many people must review a PR? Who merges PRs?

  • Gina is our “gatekeeper” for our dev and master branches - and does the final approval for all pulls
  • Vinicio and Jacob must approve at least 2 PRs
    • Submit code review to instructors end-of-day Tuesday & Wednesday
  • All review each other’s code


Around work times, standup times, taking breaks/seeking help when you’re stuck, etc.

  • PreLunch and end of day check-ins to actually come together and discuss progress as a team
  • Primarily pair/partner programming for the team
  • Pain Points happen - just make sure you're using verbal check ins
  • In the event of getting stuck: 15 minutes, go to other pair, then go to TAs