SMBios Setup and AMD PATCHES (REQUIRED) - tditheo/Ryzentosh-OCEFI GitHub Wiki


This is the most important step of this Wiki, because without SMBios nor AMD Patches you wouldn't be able to boot macOS.

  1. Download GenSMBios

  2. Open GenSMBios (On Windows, use the *.bat, macOS is the *.command, and Linux is the *.py. For all of these, you need Python 3.)

  3. Select Option 1, then select Option 3

  4. Now, you want to type the model of your "Mac", and you probably want to use MacPro7,1 , so, you just have to type MacPro7,1.

  5. Now, open the config.plist of your downloaded EFI, and go to PlatformInfo section

  6. And enter the values of GenSMBios like this :

GenSMBios config.plist
Type: MacPro7,1 SystemProductName
Serial SystemSerialNumber
Board Serial MLB
  1. Save and exit!

AMD Patches

Here is the easiest step of the guide : You just need to open your config.plist, Go to Kernel -> Patches and then you'll change the Replace section in the four first sub-category with your number of cores :

Core Count Hexadecimal
4 Core 04
6 Core 06
8 Core 08
12 Core 0C
16 Core 10
24 Core 18
32 Core 20

For exemple with my Ryzen 5 5500 which has 6 cores :

  • B8000000 0000 -> B8060000 0000

  • BA000000 0000 -> BA060000 0000

  • BA000000 0090 -> BA060000 0090

  • BA000000 00 -> BA060000 00

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