Installation - tditheo/Ryzentosh-OCEFI GitHub Wiki


Bootable USB

  1. Follow this guide to create your bootable USB.

  2. Download this repository and copy "BOOT" & "OC" directories to your "EFI" directory on your bootable USB. The structure should look somewhat like this: EFI -> BOOT, OC.

Modifying kernel patches

  1. Modify Core Count patches to match your CPU's cores amount.
  • Find four algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package patches under Kernel -> Patch in your config.

  • Modify these patches for your CPU physical cores. Change first pair of 00 in Replace of these patches to Hex value from below table.

    • e. g. for Ryzen 5 5500 with 6 Cores three modified patches should look like:
      • B8 00 0000 0000 -> B8 06 0000 0000
      • BA 00 0000 0000 -> BA 06 0000 0000
      • BA 00 0000 0090 -> BA 06 0000 0090
      • BA 00 0000 00 -> BA 06 0000 00
Physical CPU cores Hex value
4 Cores 04
6 Cores 06
8 Cores 08
12 Cores 0C
16 Cores 10
24 Cores 18
32 Cores 20


You MUST use your SMBIOS informations to have working Apple Services. There is no SMBIOS info in this EFI Config

  1. Use this tool to generate your unique SMBIOS info.
  • Run GenSMBIOS and select Download MacSerial and Generate SMBIOS.
  • Select the appropriate model for your hardware using the table below.
  • Go to Apple Coverage and paste generated Serial. You need "Invalid Serial" or "Purchase Date not Validated" message.
  • Open config.plist and search for PlatformInfo -> Generic and replace these values:
    • SystemProductName -> Model
    • MLB -> Board Serial
    • SystemSerialNumber -> Serial
    • SystemUUID -> SmUUID
    • ROM -> ROM
GPU Series Model
AMD Navi Series MacPro7,1
AMD Vega Series MacPro7,1
AMD Polaris Series MacPro7,1
AMD Radeon R5/R7/R9 MacPro6,1
AMD HD 8000 Series MacPro6,1
AMD HD 7000 Series MacPro6,1
Nvidia Kepler Series MacPro7,1


5. Map your USB ports with USBToolBox. Guide about it is available here. You have to do it from Windows.