Home - tditheo/Ryzentosh-OCEFI GitHub Wiki

Welcome on this wiki, if you search a setup guide for my EFI, you're at the good place !

Below you can find the table of contents, but I suggest you to follow the guide in the entire.

Table of contents

Guides :

- Creating USB installer: *click*

- OpenCore configuration: *click*

- Post-Install: *click*

- Troubleshooting: *click*

- ACPI patching: *click*

Credits :

- Apple for macOS

- AMD-OSX Developers for kernel patches for AMD CPUs

- Acidanthera for OpenCore and most of used kexts

- Trulyspinach for Ryzen power management and monitoring kexts

- Mieze for RealtekRTL8111 kext

- DhinakG for USBToolBox

- XLNC for AppleMCEReportedDisabler kext

- Pavo for research about AppleMCEReportedDisabler in Monterey

- Dortania for OpenCore configuration guides

- NootInc (and his telegram group) for got AMD APU working on macOS