📕 SYS 320 - tconklin-champlain/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

💡 To open Jupyter Lab open cmd and type jupyter lab and it will auto run the local server

Week 1

💡 Start jupyter labs terminal with Admin privledges or it won't work in root directory.


  • Comments are a must in code
  • Start with test files or small files
  • Name your variables properly nothing random or jokes

💡 What is really useful in Jupyter Lab is you can code in small bites

# Create and interface to search through syslog files

# Open a file
with open('../logs/smallSyslog.log') as f:
    # read in the file and save it to a variable
    contents = f.readlines()

Most of what we do is just looking for keywords in logs so you could change "failure" with anything to search for anf it will print!

keywords = ['failure','session opened for user','exited abnormally']
# Loop through the list returned. Each element is a line fromt thee smallSyslog file
for line in contents:
    # Loops through the keywords
    for eachKeyword in keywords:
        # If the 'line' contains the keyword then it will print
        if eachKeyword in line:

Using regular expression will help this program a lot

Editing the keywords

keywords = ['sshd\(pam_unix\)\[[0-9]{3,8}\]: authentication failure;','session opened for user.*','exited abnormally']

Editing the loop

# Loop through the list returned. Each element is a line fromt thee smallSyslog file
for line in contents:
    # Loops through the keywords
    for eachKeyword in keywords:
        # Searches and returns results using a regular expression search
        x = re.findall(r''+eachKeyword+'', line)

Refining the code

  1. Create a new python file
  2. Change our code into a function / module syslogCheck.py
# Create and interface to search through syslog files
import re

def _syslog(filename,listOfKeywords):
    # Open a file
    with open(filename) as f:

        # read in the file and save it to a variable
        contents = f.readlines()
    # Lists to store the results
    results = []
    # Loop through the list returned. Each element is a line fromt thee smallSyslog file
    for line in contents:

        # Loops through the keywords
        for eachKeyword in listOfKeywords:

            # If the 'line' contains the keyword then it will print
            #if eachKeyword in line:
            # Searches and returns results using a regular expression search
            x = re.findall(r''+eachKeyword+'', line)
            # print(x)
            for found in x:
                # Append the returned keywords to the results list
    return results
  1. Import the modules into new program!

💡 Whenever you have an issue try printing the results so you can easily fix the problem!

Common Error



You need to make sure to import the module!!! commons

What I have learned

  • Create modules using unspecific values to copy and paste it to create others easily
  • You can use Markdown in Jupyter Lab which is amazing


💡 Comment multiple lines CMD-K + CMD-C