Persistence - tayjay/SCriPt GitHub Wiki

Everything that your script has done so far is lost when the server restarts. If you want to keep data around between restarts, you need to save it to a file. This is called persistence. Here is an example of how you can save data to a file and load it back up when the server starts.


-- Create a table to hold our script functions
storage_example = {
    -- Get the data from Store or initialize it to 0
    data = Store:Load("storage_example", ${count=0}) -- (tableName, defaultValue)

function storage_example:load()
    -- Add the function to the event

function storage_example:unload()
    -- Cleanup the event

function storage_example:onWaitingForPlayers()
    -- Increment the count whenever the server starts up = + 1
    print("The server has been started " .. .. " times.")


There are some limitations on what you can store in the Store. Here are the rules:

  • The key must be a unique string
  • The value is always a "Prime Table" denoted with the $ prefix
  • A Prime Table can only contain the following types:
    • String
    • Number (int/float/double)
    • Boolean
    • Prime Table (with the same rules)
    • Nil
  • You should call Store:Load with the creation of your script object to ensure the data is loaded when the script is loaded and is easily accessible.
    • Running Store:Load multiple times is fine as it always returns the same table.
    • Changes made to the local table are reflected in storage
  • A Store:Save function is available to manually save the data to the file
    • It is recommended to do so after making a change to the data to ensure it is saved
    • The data is saved automatically periodically as well