DevOps Task: Instructions for Installing the Project on the Developer's Computer - tawana0518/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki


Please ensure that you have the required software installed on your computer before proceeding:

  • GitHub: a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration
  • Git: a version control system
  • PyCharm: an integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and running Python code
  • Node.js: a JavaScript runtime that includes npm, a package manager for installing dependencies and running Playwright Test.


To install and run the MyWebClass-simulation project, please follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project repository from GitHub using the SSH link provided.

  2. Open PyCharm and create a new project from the cloned repository by clicking on "Get from VCS", pasting the SSH link, and cloning the repository.

  3. Install npm by opening a terminal window in PyCharm (View > Tool Windows > Terminal) and typing the following command: npm install

  4. Start npm by typing the following command: npm start.

    This will start the local server and open the project in your default browser at http://localhost:3000/.

  5. Install Playwright by typing the following command: npx install playwright.

  6. To record a Playwright test, start a Chromium window by typing the following command: npx playwright codegen localhost:3000.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully install and run the MyWebClass-simulation project on your local machine.