6. Self Awareness - tanicha/IT115-Wiki-Project GitHub Wiki

written by Kamal Nur

What is AI self Awareness?

AI self awareness has been a controversial topic among the programming community, the idea of a computer or robot being aware of its physical state is troubling to some, but fascinating to others. To really understand What AI is we would have to look at the coding and the creation of the computer

Theory of mind is the state of ones psych, to become aware that you are alive, have thoughts and feelings towards others or of ones self. The theory of mind in computers is not yet a world wide phenomenon, however there are a couple AI's that have become self aware and created its own there thoughts unique to them

In November of 2016 google installed some new coding to translate called Neural Machine Translation(GMNT) with the hopes that GMNT would improve google translate ability to look at sentences instead of phrases. After two months of having the new installment the AI to googles surprise the AI started to create its own language in order to learning new languages.

Another method of identifying if an AI is self aware is the Turing Test. In 1950 a man named Alan Turing invented a test that can accurately determine if the AI or computer was just as or more intelligent than a human being. He created a scenario which has two humans and one computer each in their own space and in these spaces one of the humans asks specific questions to both the other person and computer about a specific topic and once both subjects came up with and answer. The questionnaire is then liable to decide which answer came from the computer or the human.

In conclusion, AI self Awareness is still a work in progress. It has its positives and it has its negatives, but it is a goal for the computer coding and programming community. AI self awareness is an event in the near future. There are multiple methods to test and weigh the level of intelligence an AI has to evaluate if the AI is self aware, however creating a consciousness for a robot or computer is still in development.

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