Tangible Landscape plugin: Output - tangible-landscape/grass-tangible-landscape GitHub Wiki

Tangible Landscape plugin: Output parameters

This is the description and explanation of tab Output of the Tangible Landscape plugin.

Name of scanned raster

The name is used for the newly scanned and processed raster. The raster is overwritten every time new scan is processed. By pressing the button with the icon of eye , the raster is added to the currently used Map Display.

Save color rasters

If this option is checked and the color raster basename is provided, then it will produce 3 rasters - R, G, B components with the names basename_r, basename_g, basename_b. The eye button adds the composite of these maps to the currently used Map Display (using d.rgb command). Also, imagery group with the same name is created automatically. Finally, basename is propagated to the analytical functions:

import grass.script as gscript
def run_myanalysis(scanned_elev, scanned_color, env):
    gscript.mapcalc("new = " + scanned_color + '_r + ' + scanned_color + '_g + ' + scanned_color + '_b')

Blender Coupling

If this option is checked and the coupling directory is provided, the path is propagated to analytical functions:

from blender import blender_export_DEM
def run_myanalysis(scanned_elev, blender_path, env):
    blender_export_DEM(scanned_elev, path=blender_path, time_suffix=True, env=env)

Export PLY

For some applications it is useful to represent the scan as point cloud. By checking this option and providing the path to the file, it will export PLY file for each scan. The file is rewritten every time.