pumps - tagyoureit/nodejs-poolController GitHub Wiki

Messages originated from the Pump(s)

This Page is for historical reference. Some pumps had the ability to be controlled by directly communicating with them and seeting one of 4 speeds. However, all of these pumps can now be controlled directly from njsPC/Nixie just like a Pentair controller.

This page lists the messages that are sent by the pump. This application is built around systems that have a modern Pentair pool controller (EasyTouch, et al). ~~If you want to control the pumps directly, without the use of a pool controller, see this [CocoonTech thread](http://cocoontech.com/forums/topic/13548-intelliflow-pump-rs485-protocol) (registration required).~~ This application will now read all of the pump commands.
Action Mode\Command Description
<01> <02><96> Speed mode set to
<01> <03><33> Run the following Ext. Program <00><00>=Off, <00><08>=1, <00><10>=2, <00><18>=3, <00><20>=4
<01> <03><39> Set Speed Setting Program 1 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><40> Set Speed Setting Program 2 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><41> Set Speed Setting Program 3 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><42> Set Speed Setting Program 4 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><43> set pump timer to minutes (or might be hour:min??)
<01> <04><196> set pump to rpm speed
<01> <04><228> set pump to gpm speed
<04> <00> set pump control panel to local (local panel on)
<04> <255> set pump to remote control (local panel off)
<05> <00> set pump to filter
<05> <01> set pump to manual
<05> <02> set pump to speed 1
<05> <03> set pump to speed 2
<05> <04> set pump to speed 3
<05> <05> set pump to speed 4
<05> <06> set pump to feature 1
<06> <04> Turn pump off
<06> <10> Turn pump on
<07> Request/Return Status
<09> <02><96> run pump at <00> xx gpm (from Intellitouch)

Pump Status Message


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6
Example 96 16 7 0 1 28


Byte 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 1
Example 16 96 7 15 10 0 0 0 170 4 226 0 0 0 0 0 1 22 14 2 234
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 7 = Status
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
0 Y Command 4=Off; 10=On
1 Y Mode No desc.
2 Y Drive state No desc.
3 Y Watts High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = total watts
4 Y Watts Low Bit
5 Y RPM High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = total RPM
6 Y RPM Low Bit
7 Y Flow VF pump flow
8 Y PPC VF Filter % used
9 N Maybe timer?
10 N Maybe timer?
11 Y Status L Status message bit low
12 Y Status H Status message bit high
13 Y Hours Hour of actual time
14 Y Min Mins of actual time
0 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
1 Y Checksum Low Bit

Set Speed Mode


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Example 96 16 1 4 3 39 2 238 2 52
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 1=Set speed mode
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
5 Y Mode/Command 3=Run program
6 Y Action 33=Run program XX/Turn off pump
39=Save Program 1 as XX Speed
40=Save Program 2 as XX Speed
43=Set pump time for XX mins
7 Y High bit if save program, the high*256+low=RPM.
If timer, hh:mm or mm:mm(?) in low bit & high bit.
8 Y Low Bit If Run then 0=off; 8=Prog1; 16=Prog2;24=Prog3;32=Prog4 (Low bit will be 0)
9 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
10 Y Checksum Low Bit


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Example 34 96 1 2 3 232 2 21
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 1=Speed mode set
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
5 Y Speed Mode High (256)*this byte+byte 5
6 Y Speed Mode Low
7 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
8 Y Checksum Low Bit

Remote Control Mode


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Example 96 16 4 1 255 2 25


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Example 16 96 4 1 255 2 25
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 4 = Pump Control Panel On\Off
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
5 Y Mode/Command 0=Set pump control panel (local) on; 255=Set pump control panel (local) off
6 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
7 Y Checksum Low Bit

Run Program X has a different type of response

16:55:52.137 VERBOSE Sent Packet 255,0,255,165,0,96,34,1,4,3,33,0,8,1,88 Try: 1
16:55:52.150 DEBUG Msg# 7  Msg received: 34,96,1,2,0,8,1,50
                           Msg written: 255,0,255,165,0,96,34,1,4,3,33,0,8,1,88
                           Match?: true
16:55:52.164 VERBOSE Msg# 7   Pump1: Speed Set to 8 rpm: [34,96,1,2,0,8,1,50]
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