Terraria.Player.Update() Execution Order - tModLoader/tModLoader GitHub Wiki

This wiki page serves to act as a reference for most of the technical aspects of the Terraria.Player::Update(int) method.
If you want a full reference, decompile tModLoader via the setup.bat tool (see: tModLoader guide for contributors).

The update "tasks" are listed in logical order, using numbered lists to indicate relevance.

  1. LockOnHelper::Update() is invoked if the player is this game's client (i == Main.myPlayer) and it's not a server player (Main.netMode != 2)
  2. DontStarveDarknessDamageDealer::Update(Player) is invoked if the player is this game's client (i == Main.myPlayer) and the world is The Constant (Main.dontStarveWorld)
  3. Ground/Air Speed Stat Resetting
    • Player::maxFallSpeed is set to 10
    • Player::gravity is set to Player::defaultGravity (0.4)
    • Player::jumpHeight is set to 15
    • Player::jumpSpeed is set to 5.01
    • Player::maxRunSpeed and Player::accRunSpeed are set to 3
    • Player::runAcceleration is set to 0.08
    • Player::runSlowdown is set to 0.2
  4. Player::onWrongGround (the variable responsible for preventing minecart movement if not on a minecart track) is cleared if the player's mount is inactive or not a minecart
  5. Player::heldProj is set to -1
  6. Player::instantMovementAccumulatedThisFrame (a variable used for sideways pulley movement) is set to Vector2.Zero
  7. If the player is holding the Portal Gun or has recently exited a Portal Gun portal (Player::PortalPhysicsEnabled), Player::maxFallSpeed is set to 35
  8. Wet Movement Checking
    1. If Player::wet is set
      1. If Player::honeyWet is set:
        • Player::gravity is reduced to 0.1
        • Player::maxFallSpeed is reduced to 3
      2. Otherwise, if Player::merman is set:
        • Player::gravity is reduced to 0.3
        • Player::maxFallSpeed is reduced to 7
      3. Otherwise, if Player::trident (a variable set to true when the player is holding a Trident and not in a mount/minecart) is set:
        • Player::gravity is reduced to 0.25
        • Player::maxFallSpeed is reduced to 6
        • Player::jumpHeight is increased to 25
        • Player::jumpSpeed is increased to 5.51
        • If the player is holding the UP movement key (Player::controlUp):
          • Player::gravity is reduced to 0.1
          • Player::maFallSpeed is reduced to 2
      4. Otherwise:
        • Player::gravity is reduced to 0.2
        • Player::maxFallSpeed is reduced to 5
        • Player::jumpHeight is increased to 30
        • Player::jumpSpeed is increased to 6.01
  9. If the player has the Distorted debuff:
    • Player::gravity is set to 0
  10. Player::maxFallSpeed is incremented by 0.01
  11. If the player is this game's client (Main.myPlayer == i)...
    1. The quick-grapple timer for gamepads is handled
    2. The preview shown before placing a tile is reset (TileObject.objectPreview.Reset())
    3. Player::downedDD2EventAnyDifficulty (a variable used to track if the player can use DD2 sentries outside of the event) is set if DD2Event::DownedInvasionAnyDifficulty is set
  12. NPC::freeCake handling
    • Player receives a Slice of Cake from the Party Girl if they talk to her during a naturally-occurring party
  13. The Player::emoteTime timer is decremented
  14. Player::ghostDmg (a variable used to track when the player can spawn the "ghost" projectiles from the Spectre set bonus) is decremented by 6.6666665
  15. Player::lifeSteal handling
    • If the world is in normal mode and Player::lifeSteal is less than 80, it is incremented by 0.6. It is then capped at 80
    • Otherwise, if Player::lifeSteal is less than 70, it is incremented by 0.5. It is then capped at 70
  16. Player::ResizeHitbox() is invoked
  17. If the player is on a mount and that mount is the Rudolph mount (Reindeer Bells), light is spawned on the player's center
  18. Other Client Checking
    1. Player::outOfRange is cleared
    2. If the player is not this game's client (whoAmI != Main.myPlayer) and they're outside of the world bounds, Player::outOfRange is set
      • NOTE: due to Terraria.Tile becoming a struct in 1.4 tModLoader, the additional checks for if the player is an unloaded world section fail.
    3. If the player is considered "out of range":
      • Player::numMinions, Player::slotsMinions and Player::itemAnimation are set to 0
      • Player::UpdateBuffs(int) is invoked
      • Player::PlayerFrame() is invoked

// TODO: finish docs


The lock-on system is a hidden mechanic in Terraria that's usually gatekept behind gamepad usage.
Activating the system and selecting a target NPC causes the effective cursor location to be snapped onto the target NPC's center for weapon aiming purposes.

This method handles checking if the system can be used, updating timers for the arrow visuals and finding valid targets.


While in complete darkness for at least 5 seconds, the player starts receiving 50 damage every second.

In order to be considered "in darkness", the following is evaluated:

  1. Retrieve the light value at the player's center
  2. Convert the light value into a 3D vector, where the range of each component is between 0 and 1, inclusive. For comparison, a color value of 255 is converted into 1
  3. If the length of that vector is less than 0.15, then the player is considered "not safe", aka in darkness.


This method updates the player's Y-position to account for Player::HeightOffsetBoost, a property that either uses Mount::HeightBoost if the player is on a mount or PortableStoolUsage::HeightBoost if the player is on a Step Stool, or 0 if neither are the case.


This method is responsible for updating the remaining time for all of the player's active buffs as well as applying their effects.

  1. If the player is currently hitting NPCs with the Life Drain item (soulDrain > 0) and they're this client's player (whoAmI == Main.myPlayer),
    • The Life Drain (ID 151) buff is granted for 2 game ticks
  2. If the world is The Constant (Main.dontStarveWorld),
    • Player::UpdateStarvingState(bool) is invoked
  3. For each active buff on the player (buff index = j):
    1. If the player is this client's player (whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) and the buff's remaining time can decrease (!BuffID.Sets.TimeLeftDoesNotDecrease[buffType[j]])
      • buffTime[j] is decremented by 1
    2. The following buffs are checked in order. If the current iterating buff matches any of the following, its affects are applied:
      1. Obsidian Skin (ID 1)
        • Player::lavaImmune is set (Prevents lava damage)
        • Player::fireWalk is set (Prevents receiving the Burning debuff)
        • Player::buffImmune[24] is set (ID 24 = On Fire! debuff)
      2. Any mount buff (BuffID.Sets.BasicMountData[buffType[j]] != null)
        • Player::mount is initialized with the buff's mount data
        • Player::buffTime[j] is set to 10
      3. Star in a Bottle (ID 158)
        • Player::manaRegenBonus is incremented by 2
      4. Sharpened (ID 159)
        • Player::GetArmorPenetration(DamageClass.Melee) is increased by 12
      5. Sugar Rush (ID 192)
        • Player::pickSpeed is decremented by 0.2
        • Player::moveSpeed is incremented by 0.2
      6. Cerebral Mindtrick (ID 321)
        • Player::allCrit is increased by 10
        • Player::minionDamage is increased by 0.1
      7. Regeneration (ID 2)
        • Player::lifeRegen is incremented by 4 // TODO: finish explanation


