IEntitySource - tModLoader/tModLoader GitHub Wiki

If you are making a 1.4 tModLoader mod, you will need to use IEntitySource. This guide will go over the purpose of IEntitySource and the most frequent uses of it.

Purpose of IEntitySource

IEntitySource works with the OnSpawn hooks to provide additional information about why a Projectile/NPC/Item is spawned in the world. There are two primary use cases:

  • Altering the properties of an NPC/Projectile only when spawned from a specific context (eg bombs from pots, or minions of a boss).
  • Transferring stats or buffs (such as npc banner id, or player/weapon crit chance), from the source to the spawned entity (normally a Projectile)

For example, when a Boss NPC spawns minions, those minions are spawned with the IEntitySource value resulting from the helper method NPC.GetSource_FromAI(). The result of that helper method is a EntitySource_Parent class with an Entity field of type NPC. This IEntitySource could then be detected by a mod that intended to reduce the HP of all boss minions by half. This additional info can help facilitate many more effects that were previously impossible to accomplish with mods.

Note that OnSpawn does not let you prevent the spawning of an entity. On/IL hooks are currently required for that, but such a hook could be considered in the future (causing the returned entity to be the 'dummy' entity slot at the end of the array).

See ExampleSourceDependentProjectileTweaks, ExampleSourceDependentItemTweaks, or ProjectileWithGrowingDamage classes in Example Mod for some uses.


Do not store IEntitySource in fields. The validity of the information they encapsulate is only relevant at the moment of spawning. Any lasting effects of the source information will need to be registered in fields within your mod at the time of spawning. The details on why it is a bad idea are too advanced for this guide.

Methods requiring IEntitySource

The following commonly used methods require IEntitySource.

  • Gore.NewGore
  • Gore.NewGoreDirect
  • Gore.NewGorePerfect
  • Player.QuickSpawnItem
  • Player.QuickSpawnClonedItem
  • Item.NewItem
  • NPC.NewNPC
  • Projectile.NewProjectile
  • Projectile.NewProjectileDirect

Using Sources

If in doubt use something which extends from EntitySource_Parent

Most of the time, this means calling GetSource_FromThis(), GetSource_FromAI(), GetSource_Loot(), GetSource_Death(), GetSource_OnHit() or GetSource_OnHurt()

EntitySource_Parent is the most important source. tML uses this to transfer values such as bannerIdToRespondTo/CritChance/ArmorPenetration from the parent NPC or Player (or Player + Item in the case of EntitySource_ItemUse) to a spawned Projectile. These values are also transferred from parent projectiles to child projectiles via EntitySource_Parent ensuring the initial 'source' value is retained.

Detailed list

  • NPC spawning projectiles should use NPC.GetSource_FromAI()
  • NPC spawning item drops should use NPC.GetSource_Loot() (if loot) or NPC.GetSource_DropAsItem() (if anything else). (Note that 99.9% of NPC item drops should be using the new loot system)
  • NPC spawning other NPC, such as boss minions, should use NPC.GetSource_FromAI()
  • NPC spawning gore on death should use NPC.GetSource_Death()
  • Projectiles spawning items, such as arrow recovery drops, should use Projectile.GetSource_DropAsItem()
  • Projectiles spawning other projectiles, like a splitting projectile or a shooting minion, should use Projectile.GetSource_FromThis()
  • Held projectile weapons spawning other projectiles using ammo should use player.GetSource_ItemUse_WithPotentialAmmo(player.HeldItem, usedAmmoItemId)
  • Spawning minions or pets in ModBuff.Update: use player.GetSource_Buff(buffIndex)
  • An accessory spawning a projectile: use player.GetSource_Accessory(itemInstance) or player.GetSource_Accessory_OnHurt(itemInstance, hurtInfo.DamageSource)
  • An armor set bonus spawning a projectile: Use player.GetSource_FromThis("SetBonus_MySetName")
  • Spawning things in ModItem.UseItem, or any ModItem not covered elsewhere: player.GetSource_ItemUse(Item)
  • Player spawning Projectiles in ModItem.Shoot should use the source passed into the method
  • Tile dropping an item (ModTile.KillMultiTile or GlobalTile.Drop) should use WorldGen.GetItemSource_FromTileBreak(i, j)
  • Player spawning an item due to dropping or being unable to recover an item from a UISlot (player.GetItem overflow) should use new EntitySource_OverfullInventory(player)

Retrieving Information from IEntitySource

Using the information provided by IEntitySource is the other half of the purpose of this feature. There are various methods available that provide the source to the modder, all called OnSpawn.

For example, in GlobalProjectile.OnSpawn, there is a IEntitySource source parameter. We can use casting to cast the IEntitySource to the source that we wish to check. This code uses the is operator and the property pattern to quickly match a specific set of conditions.

// Property pattern approach
if (source is EntitySource_Parent { Entity: NPC { type: NPCID.TacticalSkeleton } }) {
	// Do things here to projectiles (BulletDeadeye) spawned by the TacticalSkeleton enemy without affecting others
// Non property pattern approach
if (source is EntitySource_Parent parent && parent.Entity is NPC npc && npc.type == NPCID.TacticalSkeleton) {
	// Do things here to projectiles (BulletDeadeye) spawned by the TacticalSkeleton enemy without affecting others

For maximum compatibility with mods which add custom entity sources, use is with interfaces rather than classes when they exist:

  • is IEntitySource_WithStatsFromItem instead of is EntitySource_ItemUse
  • is IEntitySource_OnHit instead of is EntitySource_OnHit
  • is IEntitySource_OnHurt instead of is EntitySource_OnHurt

Note that for most things, you'll have to manually sync changes. OnSpawn happens on the client or server that spawns the entity, any changes that should reflect on other clients need to by synced in some manner. The files in ExampleMod/Common/EntitySources show examples of this.