Detouring and IL Editing using HookEndpointManager - tModLoader/tModLoader GitHub Wiki

New to IL editing? Read our other guide about IL editing first, click here!

This guide involves IL editing other mods, click here to learn more

  • In 1.4.4 HookEndpointManager is obsolete, use new Hook() for detours or new ILHook() for IL patches, these require to be applied, unloaded and stored manually.

There is also another way to modify other mod methods. If you looked into dlls generated with MonoMod's HookGen, you would see that it uses HookEndpointManager:

public static event ILContext.Manipulator Initialize
		HookEndpointManager.Modify<On.Wikithis.ItemWiki.hook_Initialize>(MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(methodof(global::Wikithis.ItemWiki.Initialize()).MethodHandle), value);
		HookEndpointManager.Unmodify<On.Wikithis.ItemWiki.hook_Initialize>(MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(methodof(global::Wikithis.ItemWiki.Initialize()).MethodHandle), value);

You can skip creating intermediate dll with HookGen and call HookEndpointManager directly. However, it's not possible (at least in C#10 and .NET 6) to create hooks exactly like HookGen does it, so doing this will require some knowledge of working with Reflection.


Start by getting MethodInfo of the method you want to detour or IL-edit:

public class DetourManagerExample : Mod
    public override void Load()
        if (ModLoader.HasMod("CalamityMod"))
            // Class in which target method is
            Type calamityDetourClass = Type.GetType("CalamityMod.World.MiscWorldgenRoutines");

            // Public and Static binding flags since PlaceRoxShrine is a public static method
            MethodInfo detourMethod = calamityDetourClass.GetMethod("PlaceRoxShrine", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);


If the method has more than 1-2 parameters, or any ref, out or in parameters, add separate delegate for original method:

public class DetourManagerExample : Mod
    private delegate void orig_PlaceRoxShrine();

    public override void Load()

    private static void PlaceRoxShrine_Detour(orig_PlaceRoxShrine orig)
        // your patch code, same as detouring with HookGen

orig_PlaceRoxShrine delegate matches with original method signature (return type and parameters).

Detour method (PlaceRoxShrine_Detour) matches original method but with added first parameter, orig_PlaceRoxShrine delegate.

Please note that instance methods will have first parameter as class instance:

class MethodClass
    public int InstanceMethod(string instanceParameter) { ... }

    public static string StaticMethod(int instanceParameter) { ... }

class DetourClass
    private delegate int orig_InstanceMethod(MethodClass self, string instanceParameter);
    private int InstanceMethod_Detour(orig_InstanceMethod orig, MethodClass self, string instanceParameter) {  }

    private delegate string orig_StaticMethod(int instanceParameter);
    private string StaticMethod_Detour(orig_InstanceMethod orig, int instanceParameter) {   }

And finally, call HookEndpointManager.Add:

HookEndpointManager.Add(detourMethod, PlaceRoxShrine_Detour);

tModLoader will make sure all detours and IL edits are unloaded during mod unloading, there is no need to manually unregister them

Actions and Funcs

In some scenarios, custom orig delegate can be replace with Action or Func, for example if method has 1 or less parameters

public class DetourManagerExample : Mod
    public override void Load()
        if (ModLoader.HasMod("CalamityMod"))
            Type calamityDetourClass = Type.GetType("CalamityMod.World.MiscWorldgenRoutines");
            MethodInfo detourMethod = calamityDetourClass.GetMethod("PlaceRoxShrine", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

            HookEndpointManager.Add(detourMethod, PlaceRoxShrine_Detour);

    private static void PlaceRoxShrine_Detour(Action orig)
        // your patch code, same as detouring with HookGen

Some more Action/Func examples

// Can be detoured with Action
public void VoidParameterlessMethod() { ... }

// Can be detoured with Func
public string StringParameterlessMethod() { ... }

// Can be detoured with Action<int>
public void VoidMethod(int integer) { ... }

// Can be detoured with Func<int, string>
public string StringMethod(int integer) { ... }

In some cases Action or Func can't be used, for example, if method has any ref, out or in parameter(s)

public int OutMethod(ref int refInt) { ... }

public int RefMethod(out int outInt) { ... }

IL Editing

IL Editing is easier to setup than detouring, just create a method that retuns void and has single parameter - ILContext to manipulate IL and call HookEndpointManager.Modify.

public class ILEditManagerExample : Mod
    public override void Load()
        if (ModLoader.HasMod("CalamityMod"))
            Type calamityDetourClass = Type.GetType("CalamityMod.World.MiscWorldgenRoutines");
            MethodInfo detourMethod = calamityDetourClass.GetMethod("PlaceRoxShrine", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

            HookEndpointManager.Modify(detourMethod, PlaceRoxShrine_ILEdit);

    private static void PlaceRoxShrine_ILEdit(ILContext il) 
        // IL manipulations here, same as with HookGen or any other IL edit
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