Assets - tModLoader/tModLoader GitHub Wiki


In tModLoader, we use the Asset class to work with assets such as textures (Texture2D), shaders (Effect), fonts (DynamicSpriteFont), and sounds (SoundEffect). The Asset and AssetRepository classes provide on-demand (asynchronous) loading and resource pack support.

This guide shows how to work with the asset system for optimal performance and compatibility.

General Guidelines

This section is a quick overview of various best practices. See the later sections for more details on each of these topics.

Store the Asset reference, not the contained data class

You should always be working with the Asset class directly up until the contained data needs to be used. For example, instead of storing a Texture2D sprite and calling spriteBatch.Draw(sprite), store an Asset<Texture2D> sprite and call spriteBatch.Draw(sprite.Value).

Preload Textures

tModLoader will request and load textures for most modded content during mod loading. This preloading reduces the need to request textures on demand at the cost of loading time and RAM utilization.

  • These assets are usually accessible in arrays found in the Terraria.GameContent static classes, such as TextureAssets, if needed.
  • If you have extra textures, such as special effects for an NPC or Projectile, you can request them in SetStaticDefaults or one of the other Load hooks.
  • Vanilla doesn't preload all textures. For Item, NPC, Projectile, Background, and some other types of content unloaded Assets are populated into the fields of the TextureAssets class. Using these textures require first calling the respective Main.instance.LoadX method to ensure that they are loaded. Vanilla textures without a corresponding Main.instance.LoadX are most likely preloaded.

After PostSetupContent, tModLoader will make sure all requested assets for the mod are fully loaded, so there is no need to .Wait() for them during gameplay.

  • This also means there is no need to use AssetRequestMode.ImmediateLoad when requesting textures during loading. Doing so will only slow down the load process dramatically.

If you don't want to preload extra assets, either because it's inconvenient or because you'd like to save RAM or load time, you can Request them on demand at any time during the game.

  • It is still recommended to use AssetRequestMode.AsyncLoad when requesting assets in-game to avoid reducing frame-rate.

Avoid requesting assets every frame

You should strive to only request an asset once and then store the reference in a field for usage. It is more efficient to access the field than it is to call the Request method. This can be done during mod loading or on demand via a null check. For singleton classes, storing the asset in a instance field is sufficient. For classes with multiple instances such as ModItem, ModProjectile, and ModNPC, the asset will need to be stored in a static field and requested during Load. There is no need to set the reference to null in Unload or manually Dispose of the Asset.

Avoid using AssetRequestMode.ImmediateLoad

Loading assets with AssetRequestMode.ImmediateLoad (or calling .Wait()) is inefficient and unnecessary in most situations. Read the sections below to learn when it might be needed.

Retrieving/Requesting Assets

The ModContent.Request method can be used to request any asset from any mod or Terraria, but there are other options that might slightly reduce code repetition. When using the Request method, the Type of the asset is passed in as a generic argument. For example, ModContent.Request<Texture2D>(pathHere) requests a texture (Texture2D) with the path specified. ModContent.Request<Effect>(pathHere) would do the same but for a shader (Effect) asset.

Assets contained in the Mod

To load an asset contained in the current mod, simply call the Assets.Request method on the Mod class. Any ModType class will have access to the Mod instance via the Mod property, so Mod.Assets.Request would be written. Other classes not inheriting from ModType can use ModContent.GetInstance<ModClass>() to access the Mod instance. Alternatively, the ModContent.Request method can be used if the modder provides the ModName as part of the asset path.

Requesting an asset during mod loading, such as in a ModType.Load or SetStaticDefaults method, is a good idea as it will cause errors to be thrown right away rather than during gameplay. This allows the mod maker to fix typos and other asset related errors more quickly.

public class ExampleHookProjectile : ModProjectile {
	private static Asset<Texture2D> chainTexture;

	public override void Load() {
		// Option 1: Load the asset directly from the Mod class. Mod name is NOT part of the asset path.
		chainTexture = Mod.Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Content/Items/Tools/ExampleHookChain");
		// Option 2: Load the asset directly from the Mod class retrieved via ModContent.GetInstance. ModName is NOT part of the asset path.
		chainTexture = ModContent.GetInstance<ExampleMod>().Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Content/Items/Tools/ExampleHookChain");
		// Option 3: Load the asset using ModContent.Request. ModName must be at the start of the asset path.
		chainTexture = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("ExampleMod/Content/Items/Tools/ExampleHookChain");

Assets from Terraria or other mods

Loading assets from other mods or Terraria is the same process as loading from your own mod, it just requires retrieving the Mod instance or adding the mod name to ModContent.Request calls. It is usually simplest to just type out the full path for ModContent.Request rather than deal with accessing the Mod classes of other mods. For Terraria assets, Terraria/ will be added to the path. Note that Terraria assets follow their path from the Contents folder in the install directory.

Also note that most Terraria textures are already loaded into the Terraria.GameContent.TextureAssets class and can be used directly rather than loading a separate Asset. Many of these require calling special methods such as Main.LoadItem or Main.LoadNPC to fully load, however, as they might not yet be loaded.

public class AssetTest : ILoadable
	private static Asset<Texture2D> moddedTexture;
	private static Asset<Texture2D> terrariaTexture;

	void ILoadable.Load(Mod mod) {
		moddedTexture = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("ExampleMod/Content/SomeTexture");
		moddedTexture = ModContent.GetInstance<ExampleMod>().Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Content/SomeTexture");

		terrariaTexture = Main.Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Images/UI/Settings_Toggle");
		terrariaTexture = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("Images/UI/Settings_Toggle");

Asset Load Timing

Mods can load additional assets in 2 ways, during mod loading or on demand. It is recommended to load additional assets during mod loading.

Assets loaded during mod loading will be fully loaded by the end of the mod loading process, ensuring that they are available to use immediately when needed in-game. The asset loading process will also cause the mod to fail to load if any asset fails to load. This will allow modders to quickly notice typos or formatting issues that would otherwise only appear as error messages in the in-game chat.

Assets loaded on demand in-game have the benefit of not being in RAM unless needed. They will never unload during a game session, but for some content it might be useful to only load assets when needed. Assets loaded on demand might require a little more effort by the modder to account for the asset load state.

Preloading Assets

The most common approach would be to have a Asset<T> field in a ModType or ILoadable and to request the asset in Load or SetStaticDefaults. The field storing the Asset will need to be static for content that creates multiple instances of the same class, such as with ModItem, ModProjectile, and ModNPC. In either case there is no need to set the Asset reference to null in Unload or manually Dispose of the Asset.

public class ExampleHookProjectile : ModProjectile
	private static Asset<Texture2D> chainTexture;

	public override void Load() {
		chainTexture = Mod.Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Content/Items/Tools/ExampleHookChain");

On-Demand Asset Loading

When loading an asset on demand, modders should try to call Request once and store the resulting Asset in a field. This can be done with a null check.

public class ExamplePlayerDrawLayer : PlayerDrawLayer
	private Asset<Texture2D> exampleItemTexture;

	protected override void Draw(ref PlayerDrawSet drawInfo) {
		// Option A: Regular null check approach
		if (exampleItemTexture == null) {
			exampleItemTexture = Mod.Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Content/Items/ExampleItem");
		// Option B: null-coalescing assignment operator approach
		exampleItemTexture ??= Mod.Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Content/Items/ExampleItem");
		// other code
		drawInfo.DrawDataCache.Add(new DrawData(
			// other code

As an alternative to the if (texture == null) check, modders can use exampleItemTexture ??= Mod.Assets.Request<Texture2D>("Content/Items/ExampleItem"); if they are familiar with the null-coalescing assignment operator syntax.

Server Considerations

Modders should remember that the server does not load any assets. Most hooks that would deal with assets are not called on the server. Requesting assets on the server will return a dummy Asset with a null Value. There is no need to gate code attempting to load assets with checks for !Main.dedServ.


The default request mode is AsyncLoad. Any assets requested during mod loading will be loaded completely by the time mod loading has completed. Asynchronous loading allows multiple assets to be loaded in parallel in the background, while the game continues to load mods or update/draw frames.

Assets requested asynchronously during gameplay will take at least one frame to load, but potentially multiple frames if the asset is large or many assets are requested simultaneously. Asset<Texture2D> contains a DefaultValue with a transparent 1x1 texture that will be returned from Asset.Value while the asset is still loading. This allows mods to use the Value in rendering without needing to check whether the asset has finished loading yet.


As a demonstration, here is a mod loading hundreds of item textures during gameplay. When using AsyncLoad, the scrolling is smooth and item textures appear as they are loading. When using ImmediateLoad the scrolling is interrupted and the frame rate of the game suffers as the game spends time waiting for textures to load. This is an extreme example as it is loading hundreds of item textures at once, for normal modded content the textures loading in will be much less noticeable.


There are situations where an asset might need to be loaded immediately. The most common situation is when the dimensions of the texture are required for UI layout (such as in the UIElement/UIState classes). If the element is initialized with an asset which hasn't finished loading, the dimensions of the temporary transparent 1x1 texture will be used and the resulting user interface will be incorrectly laid out. It is recommended to load the texture asynchronously during mod loading, and initialize the UIState later, but AssetRequestMode.ImmediateLoad can be passed to Request or Asset.Wait() can be called to ensure the asset is loaded.

Asset<Texture2D> buttonTexture = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("ExampleMod/UI/Button", AssetRequestMode.ImmediateLoad);
UIImageButton button = new UIImageButton(buttonTexture);

Modders should not use AssetRequestMode.DoNotLoad and instead follow the on-demand loading advice above. Terraria uses DoNotLoad to populate the Terraria.GameContent.TextureAssets fields with Asset<Texture2D> entries that will be loaded only when needed. This necessitates helper methods which check whether the asset is loaded and re-request it such as Main.LoadItem/LoadNPC/LoadProjectile.

Other Asset Methods


Use Asset.IsLoaded to check if the asset has finished loading.


This helper method is a bit shorter than calling Asset.Value.Size() and will return Vector2.Zero for assets which have not yet been fully loaded.


The Asset.Wait() method can be used to force a texture previously requested to load immediately.

Creating Asset from bytes (AssetRepository.CreateUntracked)

Some mods need to generate assets from other sources, like loading icons from a web-service. Modders can use the AssetRepository.CreateUntracked method to create an Asset from a Stream containing a png/xnb/fxc/ogg/wav etc directly. The resulting Asset is "untracked" in the sense that it can not be retrieved by name via Request.

Vanilla Code Adaption Considerations

If you copy code from Terraria that uses AssetRepository.Request, you might notice that the vanilla code behaves as if the asset is loaded immediately, even though the default request mode is AsyncLoad. This is because there is a special internal overload of AssetRepository.Request which uses ImmediateLoad by default that keeps the vanilla code working, while we changed the default for modders and ModContent.Request.

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