The M Feature - synthetichealth/synthea GitHub Wiki


  • :warning: -m restricts modules. This will break modules, because many of them have dependencies.
  • :warning: -m does NOT load dependencies. It is an explicit restriction.
  • :warning: If you use this feature, please do not write to us or submit an issue asking why it did not work. It did work. Just not the way you intended.

We may remove this from Synthea.

  • java -jar synthea-with-dependencies.jar -m metabolic* -- generate a population using only modules matching the metabolic* name filter. All core modules (e.g. lifecycle) and shared submodules are automatically included.
    • IMPORTANT: This feature restricts the modules that are loaded, it does not add modules. Synthea by default will use all modules from the modules folder, unless the -m flag is used. This feature is intended primarily for debugging a subset of modules without having to dig through a lot of data generated by other modules. If you want to generate a set of patients all with condition X, this flag will not help you do that.
    • To include multiple filters, you need to use the File separator character: on UNIX systems this character is : and on Microsoft Windows systems it is ;. So, for example on Mac OS, using two filters -- one matching "metabolic" and the other "cancer"
./run_synthea -m metabolic*:*cancer*

Results in:

Modules: Breast_cancer Module
       & Colorectal Cancer Module
       & Lung Cancer Module
       & Metabolic Syndrome Disease Progression Module
       & Metabolic Syndrome Standards of Care Module
       & Veteran Lung Cancer Module
       & Veteran Prostate Cancer Module
       > [7 loaded]