Release Notes for 1.10.1 - sympy/sympy GitHub Wiki

These are the release notes for SymPy 1.10.1. You can also find release notes for previous versions.

SymPy 1.10.1 was released on 20th March 2022.

This version of SymPy has been tested on Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and PyPy 3.8. See our Python version support policy for more information on when we plan to drop support for older Python versions.

Note in particular that SymPy 1.5.1 was the last release to support Python 2.7. SymPy 1.10.1 will not work on Python 2.7. Python 2.7 users should install SymPy 1.5.1 and will not be able to install any further SymPy updates without updating to Python 3.

Install SymPy with

pip install -U sympy

or if you use Anaconda

conda install sympy


There are not many changes in 1.10.1 (see below).



The following people contributed at least one patch to this release (names are given in alphabetical order by last name). A total of 2 people contributed to this release. People with a * by their names contributed a patch for the first time for this release; 0 people contributed for the first time for this release.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!

  • Oscar Benjamin
  • Paul Spiering

SHA256 hashes

5939eeffdf9e152172601463626c022a2c27e75cf6278de8d401d50c9d58787b sympy-1.10.1.tar.gz df75d738930f6fe9ebe7034e59d56698f29e85f443f743e51e47df0caccc2130 sympy-1.10.1-py3-none-any.whl f8e0a5de3d8e804239a3e698893176a54ab8bab0360f652f5020761879fbd64a e70bf68211d4c28c0ec87bedf6f0b979c898cf4c8df703cfc1568a481404caef sympy-docs-pdf-1.10.1.pdf