Issue PR Autoclosing syntax - sympy/sympy GitHub Wiki

Autoclose Syntax

When an autoclose sequence is detected in an opening paragraph, issues or PRs will automatically be closed when the PR is merged.

The following would close issue (or PR) #12345:

  • fixes #12345
  • fixes: #12345
  • This PR fixes #12345 (yes, the sequence is detected anywhere it occurs
  • This PR does not fix #12345 (oops! fix is followed by an issue number so the issue will be closed)

The following do NOT close #12345

  • fixes- #12345 (intervening '-' makes it invalid)
  • fixes #1 and #12345 (closes #1 but not #12345 because "fixes" does not immediately precede the number)
  • fixes #1, #12345 (closes #1 but not #12345 because "fixes" does not immediately precede the number)
  • fixes 12345 (no # before the 12345)
  • This PR does not fixx #12345 ("fixx" is not a keyword, only variants of "fix", "close" and "resolve" will work)

You will know when an autoclose sequence has been detected because the autoclose word will be underlined with a dotted line; if you float the cursor over the underlined word it will tell you what issue will be closed.