Annotation Examples - swe574-spring23/SWE574 GitHub Wiki

Image annotation example. { "@context": "", "id": "", "type": "Annotation", "motivation": "commenting", "body": [ { "type": "TextualBody", "value": "Jack" } ], "target": { "id": "", "type": "Image", "selector": [ { "type": "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo": "", "value": "xywh=100,100,200,200" } ] } } In this example, we have an annotation with an id, a type, a motivation, a body, and a target. The body contains the comment about the image part, and the target identifies the image and the specific part of the image that the annotation is referring to, using the Media Fragments URI syntax. The selector specifies the region of the image that the annotation is associated with.

Below is a text annotation for the second "Belgrade" text in the sentence "Belgrade what a good place Belgrade" { "@context": "", "id": "", "type": "Annotation", "created": "2022-05-07T12:30:00Z", "creator": { "id": "", "type": "Person", "name": "John Smith" }, "body": { "type": "TextualBody", "value": "my lovely city", "purpose": "commenting" }, "target": { "source": "Belgrade what a good place Belgrade", "selector": { "type": "TextPositionSelector", "start": 23, "end": 31, "context": "Belgrade what a good place Belgrade" } } }