es6 module - svenberglund/react-mst-grid-layout GitHub Wiki
ES6 moudule
The published module contains ES6 syntax. It is a big advantage in the usage of the module and I expect shipping es6 in node modules to be more common soon. So far however this may cause issues and call for special treatment when making a production build, depending on your build setup. In my test projects so far I have used CRA which does not minify es6 since it in turn OOTB uses uglifyJS.
If you eject the webpack plugin you can use uglifyjs-webpack-plugin. webpack.config
const Uglify = require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: ...,
output: ...,
plugins: [
new Uglify()
Since I used react-app-rewired
didn't want to eject, I turned of the minification in my config-overrides.js
if (env === 'production') {
console.log("ES6 production build without UglifyJsPlugin. Config: ");
console.log(JSON.stringify( config.plugins.splice(3, 1)));
It's a workaround. I might not investigate it further since I consicer using craco in my next project.
We'll see, I might change and ditch this whole thing about publishing es6 alltogeher but it would be a shame.