User Stories: Navigation - suwebdev/purple-haze GitHub Wiki
Story: As an impatient user, I want to be able to toggle in between search views and poetry reading views quickly.
Estimated Size: AM-Large LW-Large MO-Large KW-Large
Priority: KW-Could
Acceptance Criteria:
- The navigation headers have clear, easy to understand titles.
- The user is able to hover over navigation to know that these pages are links.
- The user can click on the "Search" page to activate the input field.
Story: As an curious user, I would like to learn more about the featured poet.
Estimated Size: Small LW-Small MO-Medium KW-Medium
Priority: KW-Should
Acceptance Criteria:
- The navigation headers have clear, easy to understand titles.
- The user is able to click "bio" link on navigation to view information about featured poet.
Story: As an interactive user, I want to be able to share poetry I like with one simple click.
Estimated Size: Medium LW-Small MO-Medium KW-Medium
Acceptance Criteria:
- The footer of the page has social media links to share poem.
- The user may inherently know that the social media link will lead them to an external page, or allow them to share content via the social media icon of choice to their page.
- Once clicked, an automatic heading will populate the tweet/ facebook post, user accepts permission for the 3rd party app to post the content.
Story: As an fervent user, I want to be able to browse the site in a more organized, less random way.
Estimated Size: Medium LW-Medium MO-Medium KW-Medium
Priority: KW-Must
Acceptance Criteria:
- The navigation headers have clear, easy to understand titles.
- The user is able to go to the archive page. The archive page usually holds content in a similar way to an index. All the context is on the page, organized in some way.