User Stories: Amazon Integration - suwebdev/purple-haze GitHub Wiki


As a bibliophile and poetry-lover, when I read a poem on this website, I want to know what book the poem is published in, so that I can quickly and easily find and buy the book on Amazon.

Estimated Size: MO: Medium

Priority KW-Could

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The featured poem page, and poem archive page, lists the citation of the book where each poem is published, including the book title, description, Amazon average user rating, and images of book cover.
  • The user can click citation and be linked to where the user can purchase that book on Amazon.
  • The links correctly direct users from our site to the proper Amazon product page.
  • If the poem is not published in a book available for sale on Amazon, then users will be notified that the poem is not available for purchase on Amazon.


As a fan of the poet and a bibliophile, I want the biography page to list several different biographical books about the poet, so that I can quickly and easily find and buy the poet's biography books on Amazon.

Estimated Size: MO: Small KW-Small

Priority KW-Should

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The biography page lists several book titles, descriptions, average user rating, and images of book covers for autobiographical/biographical books about the poet.
  • The user can click on the book title or book cover image and be linked to where the user can purchase that biography on Amazon.
  • The links correctly direct users from our site to the proper Amazon product page.