Requirements: Navigation - suwebdev/purple-haze GitHub Wiki
Requirement Set Name: Navigation
Description: These requirements will describe necessary Navigation features of the site in order for the user to be able to interact with the content of the site as detailed in the Requirements: COntent page.
Navigation will include the following elements:
- Main - Home page of site. The content is one poem randomly generated upon refresh. The footer of the page will include social media links to share the poem.
- Bio - Link to biography page of featured poet.
- Featured - Link to 5 featured poems, also default home page for site.
- Media - Page with twitter feed, tweets about poet.
- Search - Search input field within navigation header for user to input a string of words. Search will return a result page with poems found based on the string of words the user entered. When user clicks on a poem that returns in search they will be lead to seperate page with that poem. The footer will include social media links identical to functionality on "main" page.
- Archive - Poems will be organized alphabetically by title or by publishing date. Users will have option to browse site via Archive or via randomly generated poems.