Blending - supyrb/ConfigurableShaders GitHub Wiki

Blending defines how the source (color input) and the destination (the current value in the color buffer) should be combined. Think of it as photoshop layers, but with less/strange blend modes. You can find a breakdown of different modes on the wiki page Blend Modes
UI Blending shader inspector with dropdown enums
UI Shader File


Shader "ConfigurableShaders/UI Blending"

		[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _BlendSrc ("Blend mode Source", Int) = 5
		[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _BlendDst ("Blend mode Destination", Int) = 10

			{ "Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent"}
			Blend [_BlendSrc] [_BlendDst]



Blend Mode


public enum BlendMode
	Zero = 0,
	One = 1,
	DstColor = 2,
	SrcColor = 3,
	OneMinusDstColor = 4,
	SrcAlpha = 5,
	OneMinusSrcColor = 6,
	DstAlpha = 7,
	OneMinusDstAlpha = 8,
	SrcAlphaSaturate = 9,
	OneMinusSrcAlpha = 10

Blend Operation

(Mostly DX11.1 only)
Right now this is just as a reference in here and not used, since it seems to be quite graphics driver specific.

public enum BlendOp
	Add = 0,
	Subtract = 1,
	ReverseSubtract = 2,
	Min = 3,
	Max = 4,
	LogicalClear = 5,
	LogicalSet = 6,
	LogicalCopy = 7,
	LogicalCopyInverted = 8,
	LogicalNoop = 9,
	LogicalInvert = 10,
	LogicalAnd = 11,
	LogicalNand = 12,
	LogicalOr = 13,
	LogicalNor = 14,
	LogicalXor = 15,
	LogicalEquivalence = 16,
	LogicalAndReverse = 17,
	LogicalAndInverted = 18,
	LogicalOrReverse = 19,
	LogicalOrInverted = 20,
	Multiply = 21,
	Screen = 22,
	Overlay = 23,
	Darken = 24,
	Lighten = 25,
	ColorDodge = 26,
	ColorBurn = 27,
	HardLight = 28,
	SoftLight = 29,
	Difference = 30,
	Exclusion = 31,
	HSLHue = 32,
	HSLSaturation = 33,
	HSLColor = 34,
	HSLLuminosity = 35