Common ROS Unix Debugging Help - sundevilrobotics/urc-code GitHub Wiki

Think your code should be compiling and working, but it isn't, look here for help!

I can compile (build) executables for new .cpp files, but they are not showing up when I type rosrun or roslaunch.

  1. Make sure you are running catkin_make from the inner-most /src directory. For example, my directory structure for ROS with Git repos is setup like: /catkin_ws/src/urc_code/src/package/... In this case, if you compile from /catkin_ws, you will not be able to see any of your new executables generated in the deeper-level /catkin_ws/src/urc_code/src/. Instead run catkin_make after cd'ing to /catkin_ws/src/urc_code/.

  2. Make sure you have setup your .bashrc with source devel/setup.bash