3. ROS With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series - sundevilrobotics/urc-code GitHub Wiki

3. ROS (C++) With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series

Author: Brandon Rice

But first, what is ROS?

ROS stands for Robot Operating System, and is an open source collection of tools, frameworks, and other software components to help users write code to control robots quicker, cheaper, and simpler! Please view this following video by Robotics and IoT for a brief overview of ROS and its capabilities (it's recommended to play at 1.25x speed):

What is ROS (short description)

Click the image above to go to the YouTube video!

I feel this short video by Mobile Robotics does a good job wrapping up the loose ends from the video above and would also recommend viewing it before proceeding:

What is ROS?

We at Sun Devil Robotics Club use ROS to control our rover.

So if you are interested in learning how to set up ROS, continue watching the following videos.

View the full playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAdHUFXLvk2c14ui5r4-0dhJGUGZKca6e

1. Installing ROS Melodic Morenia - ROS (C++) With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series

1. Installing ROS Melodic Morenia - ROS (C++) With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series

In this tutorial, we install ROS Melodic Morenia on our Ubuntu 18.04 installation. We also set up a catkin workspace to hold our ROS packages.


Main ROS Tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/InstallingandConfiguringROSEnvironment

Catkin Workspace Creation Tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace

2. Introduction to Git/GitHub - ROS (C++) With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series

2. Introduction to Git/GitHub - ROS (C++) With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series

In this tutorial, we install Git and clone an existing Git repository to our computer. We then make a file, add it to a commit, and push the commit to the GitHub server.

Important: if you would like to use Python 3, please follow these steps before you execute the ROS installation step so you don't have to uninstall ROS for Python 2 and reinstall ROS for Python 2 and 3. The ROS installation step looks something like:

sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full

depending on which version you choose to install in step 1.4.


Git: https://git-scm.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/

3. Cloning the urc-code Repo - ROS (C++) With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series

3. Cloning the urc-code Repo - ROS (C++) With Git From The Ground Up Tutorial Series

In this tutorial, we clone Sun Devil Robotics Club's urc-code Git repository to our computer. We learn how to install 3rd party ROS packages (libraries) and how to use SDRC's auto-installer: install.sh.


SDRC urc-code Repository: https://github.com/sundevilrobotics/urc-code

Currently, this is the end of my personal videos about ROS, but here is a few more from other YouTubers.

"ROS tutorials" Playlist by Justin Huang

ROS tutorials

"An Introduction to ROS, the Robot Operating System" Videos by linuxfestnorthwest

An Introduction to ROS, the Robot Operating System: Intro to ROS (2/6)

Note: We use ROS 1 (Not ROS 2) and C++ not Python, but other than that, Sid Faber does a great job!