Audits (basic info) - sul-dlss/preservation_catalog GitHub Wiki

Basic Information about audits

  • Moab to Catalog (M2C) existence/version check
  • Catalog to Moab (C2M) existence/version check
  • Checksum Validation (CV)
  • Catalog to Archive (C2A) also known as replication audit
  • (TBD) Moab Validation (which is in the moab-versioning gem, but called by PreservationCatalog)

M2C aka Moab to Catalog

What It Does

For each object encountered on a storage_root, performs Moab Validation (moab-versioning gem code confirming the Moab object is consistent with itself - has correct manifests and versions, etc.) and ensures the Preservation Catalog db has correct information for a Moab (e.g. which version), etc.


  • app/models/moab_stroage_root.rb (method m2c_check!)
  • app/jobs/moab_to_catalog_job.rb
  • lib/audit/preserved_object_handler.rb (method check_existence in particular) - this has moved
  • lib/services/moab_validation_handler.rb (method set_status_as_seen_on_disk in particular) - this has moved

What Triggers It

C2M aka Catalog to Moab

What It Does

For each CompleteMoab object in PreservationCatalog, ensures the prescat db has correct information for the Moab (e.g. which version) and also performs Moab Validation (moab-versioning gem code confirming the Moab object is consistent with itself - has correct manifests and versions, etc.).


  • app/models/moab_stroage_root.rg (method c2m_check!)
  • app/jobs/catalog_to_moab_job.rb
  • lib/audit/catalog_to_moab.rb
  • lib/services/moab_validation_handler.rb (method set_status_as_seen_on_disk in particular) - this has moved

What Triggers It

CV aka Checksum Validation

What It Does

Fixity checking of the Moab. Parse all manifestInventory.xml and most recent signatureCatalog.xml for stored checksums and verify against computed checksums.

NOTE: if CV is triggered, and Moab passes CV (does not have invalid_checksum status), then C2M will be triggered.


  • app/models/moab_stroage_root.rg (method validate_expired_checksums!)
  • app/jobs/checksum_validation_job.rb
  • app/services/checksum_validator.rb - this has moved

What Triggers It

C2A aka Catalog to Archive

What It Does

Checks that all parts of zip file (replicated Moab objects are zipped and split into parts as necessary) have been replicated.

What Triggers It

  • cron job via whenever gem, see config/schedule.rb; it looks for "expired" last_archive_audit dates for CompleteMoabs and re-runs C2A on them.


if CV is triggered, and Moab passes CV (does not have invalid_checksum status), then C2M will be triggered.