1. SOLID patterns and Other - sukhoi1/Patterns-UML GitHub Wiki
- Simple Responsibility;
- "Open for extension": this means that the behavior of the module can be extended;
- "Closed for modification": the binary executable version of the module assembly or Java .jar remains untouched.
Creational Pattern
Structural Patterns
Behavioral Patterns
- Strategy
- Template Method
- Command (MVC)
Other Patters
- Entourage anti-pattern, which states that implementations should not live in the same assemblies as their interfaces.
- Service locator anti-pattern - attribute constructor can not have non-primimive type parameters, so constructor injection is impossible;
Sinple Responsibility Patterns
- Decorator pattern: each decorator class fulfills the contract of a type and also accepts one or more of those types as constructor parameters.
- Branching decorator;
- Lazy;
- Logging;
- Property;
- Event;
- Profiling;
- Async;
- The Composite pattern
- Composite pattern is a specialization of the Decorator pattern;
- List of components: compositeComponent class;
- Strategy pattern
- Template Method pattern (p. 211)
O-C Patterns