SQL Injection - sudokom/All-About-Red-Team GitHub Wiki

How I Found multiple SQL Injection with FFUF and Sqlmap in a few minutes

Enumeration Phase:

I started to look at the web archive of the target with the waybackurls tool, I found a bunch of endpoints, but I observed a lot of PHP files!! Mmmmm, maybe I find SQL Injection in one of those, Ok Let’s filter the output. so my command will be:

waybackurls https://redacted.org/ | uro | grep “.php” > php-files.txt

uro is a tool used to delete duplicate urls

Ok we have a lot of PHP files, Let’s look at some of them.

Mmmmmm, the PHP files name seems interesting, I think it can help me to find the parameters. OK let's do some bash to grep the names after get to make a list of parameters to brute force in the endpoints. Let’s goooo.

Getting Parameters:

Firstly, we need to grep only lines which contain get string and delete all before it and make it unique to avoid the duplicate, so our command will be:

$ cat php-files.txt| grep -i get | sed ‘s/.*.get//’ | sort -u

Niceeeeee!! I did it, but we should remove .php string to make a list, so I just added the line to the last command cut -f1 -d”.”

Ok, we are almost finished, I noticed that all the strings I had contained two words and I don’t know which of them is a parameter, so let’s split it!!! honestly, I didn’t know how to do it , so I did some search about this operation till I came across this , and I found what I want !! and the additional command will be sed ‘s/[A-Z]+/\n&/g’.

Niiiiice!! Ok, but I think that most parameters are lowercase, not uppercase so I’ll keep this as uppercase parameters and convert it to lowercase and I’ll test both of them ;).

so now we have two lists of parameters let’s test it with FFUF, firstly I’ll grep endpoint and test all params with it, I’ll try the lowercase-parameters first with this command:

ffuf -w lowercase-parameters.txt -u "https://redacted.org/searchProgressCommitment.php?FUZZ=5"

But sadly I got nothing.

Honestly, I got depressed after that, but an idea came to my mind, what about changing the request method to POST! rapidly I go to my VPS and changed that method ,

ffuf -w lowercase-parameters.txt -X POST -d "FUZZ=5" -u "https://redacted.org/searchProgressCommitment.php"

And BINGOOOOOOO I got **commitment & id **parameters as a result.

Ok now go to the endpoint and intercept the request with burp and change the request method, add the parameter, and copy it to a txt file to run sqlmap on it.


The command will be:

sqlmap -r req3.txt -p commitment --force-ssl --level 5 --risk 3 --dbms=”MYSQL” --hostname --current-user --current-db --dbs --tamper=between --no-cast

--level 5 --> Level of tests to perform. --risk 3 --> Risk of tests to perform --dbms --> back-end DBMS value --no-cast --> to avoid use cast-alike statements during data fetching --tamper --> to evade filters and WAF’s "--hostname --current-user --current-db --dbs" --> to retrieve info about the database

Now let’s try this way with other endpoints ;)

I picked up some endpoints and used the same FFUF command, surly with POST method.

AND BINGO!! I Found three endpoints with valid parameters from my list.

Second SQLI : ws_delComment.php with id parameter.

Third SQLI: getTargets.php with goal parameter

Fourth One: mailing_lists.php with list parameter.
