Using the web injector - suchmememanyskill/SwitchThemeGuide GitHub Wiki

First, inject the following items in the auto theme section of exelix's site

On 4.1 and 5.x

  • ResidentMenu.szs
  • Entrance.szs
  • common.szs (common.szs is possible to inject, but it's easier to work with a ResidentMenu.szs)

On 6.x

  • ResidentMenu.szs
  • Entrance.szs
  • Set.szs
  • FLaunch.szs
  • Notification.szs

After you've uploaded all of these files, you can start injecting stuff. Go over to the Qcean discord to upload some images for use with the auto injector in the #dds-uploads channel. (this is not the only way to upload the .dds, but the webhost needs to have CORS support)

Make sure that your images are in 720p (so 1280x720) and are either in .png or .jpg or .dds format. After you've collected your images, you should grab your .dds link, shown below Image1

After getting your .dds link for your homescreen, go to


  1. Select which thing you want to modify, for this example we're using the home screen
  2. Paste your .dds link in here
  3. (optional but really nice) Use a custom layout, For this example we're using mine, make sure it's a home screen layout if you select a layout
  4. When you're done, click "Generate link". A link will pop up. Click this link, and a new Residentmenu.szs will be downloaded. This file will be injected with the .dds and layout of your choosing

We can also modify the lock screen this way, get yourself another .dds for your lockscreen, but instead of selecting "Home screen" at step 1, you need to select "Lock screen". At step 3, instead of selecting a homescreen layout, you can select a lockscreen layout, like mine, called layouts/SuchLk.json

This should be the absolute basics to make a theme. You should have enough knowledge at this point to use the web-injector to its full potential, which is injecting settings and other szs files with images and possibly layouts

Note: the links generated by the autotheme tool (the link you click for downloading a modded .szs file) can be shared!

You should be ready to move on to Installing a custom theme