Black Ops - stronnag/mwptools GitHub Wiki

Use case

Unmaintained Article Please check the manual for more up-to-date information.

mwp povides a pseudo-map proxy that just gives you a black map. This may be useful for a number of use-cases:

  • privacy
  • general obstinacy
  • clarity of display


This proxy is not build by default, it is necessary to build, install and configure the proxy manually.

cd mwptools/qproxy
make bproxy
# copy bproxy somewhere on the PATH
cp bproxy ~/.local/bin/
# or
sudo cp broxy /usr/local/bin
# or
sudo cp broxy /usr/bin


That was the easy bit! Now it is necessary to tell mwp where to find the proxy. This involves a setting and a configuration file.

First of all, ensure that the map-sources setting is enabled:

$ gsettings get org.mwptools.planner map-sources
# here this set to a file sources.json (in ~/.config/mwp/)

if this is not set, then set it:

$ gsettings set org.mwptools.planner map-sources 'sources.json'

Now we need to edit the file ~/.config/mwp/sources.json, there is a sample file in mwptools/samples/sources.json . you file needs a stanza like:

 "id": "Black",
 "name": "Black Tiles",
 "license": "(c) jh ",
 "license_uri": "",
 "min_zoom": 0,
 "max_zoom": 20,
 "tile_size": 256,
 "projection": "MERCATOR",
 "spawn" : "bproxy",

So a minimal ~/.config/mwp/sources.json looks like:

   "sources" : [
         "id": "Black",
         "name": "Black Tiles",
         "license": "(c) jh ",
         "license_uri": "",
         "min_zoom": 0,
         "max_zoom": 20,
         "tile_size": 256,
         "projection": "MERCATOR",
         "spawn" : "bproxy",

On starting mwp you should see a new map option "Black Tiles".

Black Map

Custom Tile

It's also possible to have a custom tile (which does not have to be black). The tile must be:

  • 256x256 pixels
  • PNG

The full path is provided in the environment variable MWP_BLACK_TILE, e.g.

# put this in e.g. ~/.bashrc to make it permanent
export MWP_BLACK_TILE=~/.config/mwp/mytile.png

For example:

Fly me to the Mars