Signalers - strChrisLee/openpnp GitHub Wiki

Sound Signaler

A sound signaler will signal certain states of the Machine or a JobProcessor. If e.g. a placement or pickup fails it will play an error sound. It can also play a sound when the Job is complete.


The SoundSignaler can be configured in the machine.xml:

    <signaler class="org.openpnp.machine.reference.signaler.SoundSignaler" id="b7980099-1992-42b4-b38a-2f8ee6b52eb8" name="Sound Signaler" enable-error-sound="true" enable-finished-sound="true"/>

Disabling Sounds

If you want to disable the sounds you can set the attributes on the the SoundSignaler to false: enable-error-sound="false" enable-success-sound="false"

Custom sound files

It is possible to use custom sound files by placing an error.wav or success.wav file in a sounds subdirectory in the configuration directory.

Actuator Signaler

An actuator signaler will cause an actuator to be turned on when a configured job or machine state is reached. They will stay on as long as the state is active.


The actuator signaler can be configured in the machine.xml:

    <signaler class="org.openpnp.machine.reference.signaler.ActuatorSignaler" id="446118b2-991d-11e6-9f33-a24fc0d9649c" name="Actuator Signaler" actuator-id="5b8a8cbd-d6c1-4324-af8b-eba5f0444622" job-state="ERROR" machine-state="ERROR"/>

Note that you if you create the signaller in the UI, you will need to edit the machine.xml to add the appropriate actuator-id, job-state and machine-state, as the signaler and it's actuator are not automatically connected via the UI.

The valid options for job-state are:


The valid options for machine-state are:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️