Importing Centroid Data - strChrisLee/openpnp GitHub Wiki

See the sections below for information about importing boards from your preferred CAD software into OpenPnP.


OpenPNP can read EAGLE .brd files directly:

  1. File -> Import Board -> CadSoft EAGLE Board


  • Create Missing Parts: Creates new parts in the OpenPnP library if they don't already exist
  • Update Existing Parts: Updates or creates footprint outlines and package mappings in the OpenPnP library for parts that already exist
  • Add Library Prefix to Part Names: Creates unique part names that include the library name where the same part name might exist in multiple libraries
  • Import Parts on Top of the board: Import all parts located on the top side of the board
  • Import Parts on Bottom of the board: Import all parts located on the bottom side of the board

You can also export from EAGLE via a ULP:

  1. In EAGLE, run mountsmd.ulp, which is included in the EAGLE distribution.
  2. In OpenPnP, go to the menu at File -> Import Board -> EAGLE mountsmd.ulp.


  1. In OpenPnP, go to the menu at File -> Import Board -> KiCAD .pos.


  1. Under Outjob configure Pick and Place Setup to use CSV and Text Formats. Use Metric units.

  2. or While Viewing the PCB, use File->Assembly Outputs->Pick and Place Files and set Pick and Place Setup to use CSV and Text Formats. Use Metric units.

  3. In OpenPnP, use File -> Import Board -> Named CSV.


OpenPnP includes a Named CSV importer (File -> Import -> Named CSV) which can import many types of CSV files. Coordinate data must be in Millimeters. Field separator must be a comma.

Format specifications need to be inside the first 10 lines of file.

The first six fields are required in order to successfully import centroid data.

The fields that the Named CSV importer will look for are: (not case sensitive)

  • Refs: "Designator", "Part", "Component", "RefDes", "Ref"
  • Vals: "Value", "Val", "Comment", "Comp_Value"
  • Packs: "Footprint", "Package", "Pattern", "Comp_Package"
  • Xs: "X", "X (mm)", "Ref X", "PosX", "Ref-X(mm)", "Ref-X(mil)", "Sym_X"
  • Ys: "Y", "Y (mm)", "Ref Y", "PosY", "Ref-Y(mm)", "Ref-Y(mil)", "Sym_Y"
  • Rots: "Rotation", "Rot", "Rotate", "Sym_Rotate"
  • TBs: "Layer", "Side", "TB", "Sym_Mirror"
  • Heights: "Height", "Height(mil)", "Height(mm)"


"Designator","Footprint","Mid X","Mid Y","Ref X","Ref Y","Pad X","Pad Y","Layer","Rotation","Comment"