GcodeDriver_Command Reference - strChrisLee/openpnp GitHub Wiki

This is a list of commands and responses (regular expressions) available for the GcodeDriver. Despite its name, the GcodeDriver does not only support the common G-code numerical control (CNC) programming language but any text-line language, provided it uses decimal numbers and is line oriented (single commands and responses ending with carriage-return and/or line-feed).

When the driver is commanded by OpenPnP to perform an action it looks up the appropriate Gcode, performs variable substitution and then sends it to the controller.

Commands can contain multiple lines to send to the controller. Each line is sent as a command and the driver usually waits for the COMMAND_CONFIRM_REGEX to match before sending the next one.

Note: For the most common controller firmwares, OpenPnP can automatically configure many commands and regular expressions for you. It will use the axes as configured in your machine to compose it with the right variables. Use the Issues and Solutions system to get the proposed codes. You can always dismiss/undo them or change/expand them afterwards.

The following instructions are for manual configuration or tweaking, where the Issues & Solutions system does not help (or not all the way). Or for special controllers that do not speak a common G-code language.

Each of the commands and regular expressions can be set in the configuration panel.


Sent after the driver finishes connecting to the serial port. Can be used to send any initialization parameters the controller needs.


G21 ; Set millimeters mode
G90 ; Set absolute positioning mode
M82 ; Set absolute mode for extruder


Sent when the machine is enabled, primarily when the big START button is pressed. Can be used to turn on motors and lighting, start pumps, reset solenoids, etc.


M810 ; Turn on LED lighting


Sent when the machine is disabled, primarily when the big STOP button is pressed or before shutting down. Should turn off everything.


M84 ; Disable steppers
M811 ; Turn off LED lighting


Note: For the most common controller firmwares, OpenPnP can automatically configure this command for you. Use the Issues and Solutions system.

Sent in response to the home command. Should home the machine and reset the controller's coordinates to the preferred home location.

Note: if you are not using the Axis Letter mode on the Driver, the axis and rate variables are not available.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String User defined id of the head being homed.
Name String User defined name of the head being homed.
X Double The home X coordinate.
Y Double The home Y coordinate.
XL String The axis letter for the X coordinate.
YL String The axis letter for the Y coordinate.
FeedRate Double The homing feed-rate in driver units/min. Note: for homing purposes the smallest feed-rate of the axes is taken.
Acceleration Double The homing acceleration in driver units/s². Note: for homing purposes the smallest acceleration of the axes is taken.
Jerk Double The homing jerk in driver units/s³. Note: for homing purposes the smallest jerk of the axes is taken.


M84 ; Disable steppers, resetting the Z axis
G4P500 ; Wait half a second for the Z axis to settle
G28 X0 Y0 ; Home X and Y
G92 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 ; Reset machine coordinates to zero.


Note: For the most common controller firmwares, OpenPnP can automatically configure this command for you. Use the Issues and Solutions system.

This command has special handling for the X, Y, Z and Rotation variables. If the move does not change one of these variables that variable is replaced with the empty string, removing it from the command. This allows Gcode to be sent containing only the components that are being used which is important for some controllers when moving an "extruder" for the C axis (The current extruder is selected by sending a Gcode tool command like 'T1' in the pre-move-command). The end result is that if a move contains only a change in the C axis only the C axis value will be sent.

Note: if you are using the Axis Letter mode on the Driver, the X, Y, Z etc. are replaced by the proper controller axis letters.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String User defined id of the HeadMountable (Nozzle, Camera, Actuator) being homed.
Name String User defined name of the HeadMountable (Nozzle, Camera, Actuator) being homed.
X Double The calculated X position for the move.
Y Double The calculated Y position for the move.
Z Double The calculated Z position for the move.
Rotation Double The calculated C or Rotation position for the move in deg.
FeedRate Double The calculated feed rate for the move.
XF Double Forced X position for the move, even if there is no change.
YF Double Forced Y position for the move, even if there is no change.
ZF Double Forced Z position for the move, even if there is no change.
RotationF Double Forced C or Rotation position for the move in deg, even if there is no change.
XIncreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an X component and the value is increasing.
XDecreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an X component and the value is decreasing.
YIncreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an Y component and the value is increasing.
YDecreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an Y component and the value is decreasing.
ZIncreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an Z component and the value is increasing.
ZDecreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an Z component and the value is decreasing.
RotationIncreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an Rotation component and the value is increasing.
RotationDecreasing Boolean Sent only if the move includes an Rotation component and the value is decreasing.
FeedRate Double The feed-rate in driver units/min.
Acceleration Double The acceleration in driver units/s².
Jerk Double The jerk in driver units/s³.
XL String The axis letter for the logical X coordinate.
YL String The axis letter for the logical Y coordinate.
ZL String The axis letter for the logical Z coordinate.
RotationL String The axis letter for the logical Rotation coordinate.


G0 {X:X%.4f} {Y:Y%.4f} {Z:Z%.4f} {Rotation:E%.4f} F{FeedRate:%.0f} ; Send standard Gcode move

Make sure to check the axis designators. The rotation axis might be designated "A" instead of "E" in some controllers, so it must read {Rotation:A%.4f} instead.

NOTE For OpenPnP 1.0 add an additional line (it must be moved to MOVE_TO_COMPLETE_COMMAND in newer versions):

M400 ; Wait for moves to complete before returning

If you need to move in mils or microns see this post on the form:



Note: For the most common controller firmwares, OpenPnP can automatically configure this command for you. Use the Issues and Solutions system.

This command is useful in systems that use multiple controllers where it is desirable to have them move simultaneously. To use it, remove the "M400 ; Wait for moves to complete before returning" from the MOVE_TO_COMMAND and add it to the MOVE_TO_COMPLETE_COMMAND. Now the G0 portion of the command will be sent to all involved controllers first. Then M400 will be sent to each controller in turn, starting from the last one, until all moves are complete.

M400 ; Wait for moves to complete before returning


Note: For the most common controller firmwares, OpenPnP can automatically configure this command for you. Use the Issues and Solutions system.

This command can reset the axis coordinates at the current machine position to new values. This is used after Visual Homing but also if you use the rotational axis Wrap around feature.


G92 {X:X%.4f} {Y:Y%.4f} {Z:Z%.4f} {A:A%.4f} {B:B%.4f} ; reset coordinates in the controller


NOTE This command is deprecated in OpenPnP 2.0. Use the Vacuum Setup instead. The command remains in OpenPnP so you can move it to the actuator.

For OpenPnP 1.0: Sent to indicate that the machine should pick a part. Typically turns on a vacuum pump or solenoid.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String The user defined id of the nozzle.
Name String The user defined name of the nozzle.


M808 ; Turn on pump
M800 ; Turn on nozzle 1 vacuum solenoid


NOTE This command is deprecated in OpenPnP 2.0. Use the Vacuum Setup instead. The command remains in OpenPnP so you can move it to the actuator.

For OpenPnP 1.0: Sent to indicate that the machine should place a part. Typically turns off a vacuum pump or solenoid. May also trigger an exhaust solenoid or blow off valve.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String The user defined id of the nozzle.
Name String The user defined name of the nozzle.


M809 ; Turn off pump
M801 ; Turn off nozzle 1 vacuum solenoid
M802 ; Turn on nozzle 1 exhaust solenoid
G4P250 ; Wait 250 milliseconds
M803 ; Turn off nozzle 1 exhaust solenoid


NOTE This command is deprecated in OpenPnP 2.0. Use the Vacuum Setup instead. The command remains in OpenPnP so you can move it to the actuator.

Sent to turn on the vacuum pump before performing a pick.


NOTE This command is deprecated in OpenPnP 2.0. Use the Vacuum Setup instead. The command remains in OpenPnP so you can move it to the actuator.

Sent to turn off the vacuum pump after a place if there are no longer any nozzles that are picked.


Sent whenever an Actuator's actuate(boolean) method is called. This is currently used by the ReferenceDragFeeder to fire a drag solenoid. Actuators are generally an area where people customize their machines, so this is here to support customizations such as automated feeders.

The True and False variables can be used to substitute any string for either a true or false value. By specifying a value as the format string and using both the True and False variables you can choose what will be sent in either case. See the example for details.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String The user defined id of the actuator.
Name String The user defined name of the actuator.
Index Index The user defined index of the actuator. Can be used to specify a register or port number.
BooleanValue Boolean A Boolean representing whether the actuator was turned on or off.
True Boolean Boolean true if the actuator is turned on, or null if it's turned off. This can be used to include a string only when the value is true. See the example for details.
False Boolean Boolean false if the actuator is turned off, or null if it's turned on. This can be used to include a string only when the value is false. See the example for details.


M800 P{True:1}{False:0} ; Send "M800 P1" if the actuator is turned on, or "M800 P0" if the actuator is turned off.


Sent whenever an Actuator's actuate(double) method is called. This is currently used by the ReferenceAutoFeeder to trigger a feed operation. Actuators are generally an area where people customize their machines, so this is here to support customizations such as automated feeders.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String The user defined id of the actuator.
Name String The user defined name of the actuator.
Index Index The user defined index of the actuator. Can be used to specify a register or port number.
DoubleValue Double The Double value sent to the actuator. This is typically user defined in the configuration of the device using the actuator.
IntegerValue Integer The Double value sent to the actuator after being cast to an Integer. This is typically user defined in the configuration of the device using the actuator.


M104 S{DoubleValue} ; Set a set-point double value.


Sent whenever an Actuator's read() method is called. Along with ACTUATOR_READ_REGEX this can be used to read a value from any type of attached sensor or device.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String The user defined id of the actuator.
Name String The user defined name of the actuator.
Index Index The user defined index of the actuator. Can be used to specify a register or port number.
Value Object The object that is sent to the actuator. If it's a double, DoubleValue and IntegerValue will be filled in automatically. The actual value sent is whatever this object's toString() method returns. This gives things that use an actuator more internal freedom on what to send through to the actuator.
DoubleValue Double The Double value sent to the actuator. This is typically user defined in the configuration of the device using the actuator.
IntegerValue Integer The Double value sent to the actuator after being cast to an Integer. This is typically user defined in the configuration of the device using the actuator.


NOTE This command is deprecated in OpenPnP 2.0. Use the ACTUATOR_READ_COMMAND instead. If ACTUATOR_READ_WITH_DOUBLE_COMMAND is defined but ACTUATOR_READ_COMMAND is not, it will migrate automatically. If both are defined, an issue in the "Issues & Solutions" tab will appear. Accept that issue to replace the read command with the "read with double" command. Dismiss it to remove the "read with double" command entirely.

Sent whenever an Actuator's read(double) method is called. Along with ACTUATOR_READ_REGEX this can be used to read a value from any type of attached sensor or device.

Variable Name Type Description
Id String The user defined id of the actuator.
Name String The user defined name of the actuator.
Index Index The user defined index of the actuator. Can be used to specify a register or port number.
DoubleValue Double The Double value sent to the actuator. This is typically user defined in the configuration of the device using the actuator.
IntegerValue Integer The Double value sent to the actuator after being cast to an Integer. This is typically user defined in the configuration of the device using the actuator.


NOTE This command is deprecated in the newer OpenPnP 2.0 versions. Use the more universal SET_GLOBAL_OFFSETS_COMMAND instead.

Sent after visual homing is complete to reset the motion controller's coordinates to their home locations.

Variable Name Type Description
X Double The defined X axis home coordinate. Often 0.
Y Double The defined Y axis home coordinate. Often 0.


G92 {X:X%.4f} {Y:Y%.4f} ; Send G92 to reset the motion controllers coordinates after homing.