Test: Scale and performance - stolostron/search-v2-operator GitHub Wiki

We use locust.io to simulate a large number of requests. Follow the install instructions from locust.io

Simulating managed clusters

  1. Clone the project search-indexer.
  2. Login to the OpenShift cluster where search is deployed. oc login ...
  3. Create route to the search-indexer service on your cluster. make test-scale-setup
  4. Start Locust with make test-scale-ui or run headless with make test-scale.

Note: For v1, modify the aggregator deployment with the environment variable SKIP_CLUSTER_VALIDATION=true
oc set env delpoyment/search-aggregator-???? SKIP_CLUSTER_VALIDATION=true -n open-cluster-management

Simulating end users

  1. Clone the project search-v2-api.
  2. Follow same instructions as Simulating managed clusters