Upload tools - stodev-com-br/Tasmota GitHub Wiki
Tools for compiling and uploading (flashing) Tasmota:
- Esptool - esptool.py is the official flashing tool from Espressif
- NodeMCU PyFlasher - GUI wrapper for esptool.py
- Arduino IDE - setup and configure Arduino IDE for Tasmota compilation and upload
- PlatformIO - setup and configure PlatformIO for Tasmota compilation and upload
- PlatformIO CLI - how to flash Tasmota using the PlatformIO command line interface on Linux
- Visual Studio Code - setup and configure Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO for Tasmota
- Sonoff DIY - OTA flash for select Sonoff devices (some disassembly required)
- Node-RED OTA server and firmware manager - Node-RED flow for managing OTA updates
- OTA over SCP - setup and configure "OTA over SCP" upload for PlatformIO
- Python HTTP OTA server - setting up a small Python server to serve OTA upgrade binaries
- Tuya OTA - easy OTA flash for devices with Tuya chips, no disassembly required
- SonOTA - OTA flash eWeLink based devices (mostly outdated - may work with newer Itead firmware)
- EspEasyFlasher - simple GUI flasher, might not work with all devices