Rewire Your Brain With Affirmations - steveroger9005/nowaasd GitHub Wiki

Whether you're trying to change negative thought patterns or are simply looking for ways to feel better, affirmations can help. These positive statements can rewire your brain, encouraging the growth of new mental pathways over time and helping to replace old, self-sabotaging ones.

affirmations can be done in a variety of ways, but it's important to be consistent and patient in order to see results. For best results, try to say an affirmation a few times every day and focus on believing it to be true. Repeating affirmations daily can also help them become firmly lodged in your subconscious mind, making it harder to ignore them.

Aside from rewiring your brain, practicing daily affirmations can also help to keep you motivated and on track toward your goals. If you're trying to lose weight, for example, your affirmations can remind you that if you exercise and eat healthy meals your body will be healthier and you'll be able to maintain a good body image. Using an app to help you repeat affirmations daily or placing them on your nightstand or in your home can be helpful, but it's also a good idea to write them out so that you can read them throughout the day and even record yourself saying them to reinforce your commitment.

If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of books and online resources that provide examples of affirmations you can use. You can also customize your affirmations by adding in your own words, writing them on a note card or creating a vision board to give them additional meaning and life. Affirmations can be used alongside other goal-setting techniques, such as visualization, to boost their power and effectiveness.

When you're first starting out, it may be helpful to choose your affirmations carefully and to focus on those that are most relevant to your current situation and what you're trying to achieve. It's also a good idea to make the affirmations personal and meaningful to you, and to focus on feeling them deeply.

The best time to repeat affirmations is often when you're most open and receptive, which means early in the morning, right after breakfast or before bed. Leeds also notes that affirmations work well when combined with other positive thinking and goal-setting practices, such as visualization.

If you're having trouble believing your affirmations, it might be helpful to ask a trusted loved one for their support and to listen as they say them out loud. Some people even like to make their affirmations into a song or add them to their vision boards, and Bold Tuesday's Affirmation cards can be easily turned into a fun way to practice this routine. Ultimately, the key is to be consistent and patient, as affirmations take time to grow. As long as you continue to repeat them, however, the more they will eventually rewire your brain and become your reality. And remember, you can always change your affirmations if they're not working for you.