Developer Info - steve4744/TNTRun GitHub Wiki

If you wish to develop TNTRun_reloaded further or import it into your own plugin then TNTRun has a Maven repository currently hosted by jfrog.

Maven Dependency Info

Repository Info:


Dependency Info:


TNTRun_reloaded API

This is a work in progress. The TNTRun_reloaded party commands are available in the API.

Party API

Import the party API class

import tntrun.api.PartyAPI;

Create a party
The player creating the party is the party leader:


Invite someone to join your party

PartyAPI.inviteToParty(player, name_of_player_to_invite);

Join a party
A party can only be joined if an invitation has been sent by the party leader:

PartyAPI.joinParty(player, name_of_party_leader);

Leave a party
If the party leader leaves then the party is deleted:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️