How to handle .ts and .m2ts files in StaxRip - staxrip/staxrip GitHub Wiki

StaxRip provides several ways to load and handle transport stream files (.ts and .m2ts).

The default settings in StaxRip will work in most cases, and most users are recommended to stick to this default (de-muxing with FFmpeg).

However in case you experience a crash when a source file is loaded, or Audio/Video sync issues, there are other possible approaches that will work for you. For example, DVB captures are known to be notoriously difficult to handle because they often contain corrupted stream data. There can be other peculiar cases as well. In case you encounter a problem, you can take one of the following actions.

Method 1 - Use the default settings: De-mux only with ffmpeg: Demux

This method is the default one, it requires no changes to the settings.

In case this method makes StaxRip crash, then you need to try one of the next methods. In case your problem is only an A/V sync issue, then before trying one of the next methods, try changing the Video Source filter to FFVideoSource. It is known to be able to fix A/V sync issues in many cases.

Method 2 - Use the Re-mux handler: ffmpeg: Re-mux (M2)TS to MKV

  1. Open Settings, go to Preprocessing.
  2. Turn on ffmpeg: Re-mux (M2)TS to MKV handler by toggling on the checkbox. Validate (OK).
  3. Drop or open your .ts/.m2ts file.

Your .ts/.m2ts file will be remuxed (preserving original video/audio/subtitle codecs and qualities) to a single mkv file, and StaxRip works on this mkv file instead of the original .ts/.m2ts.

Still, if StaxRip throws an error and fails to load the file, then you can consider one of the following methods.

Method 3 - Use the de-mux handler eac3to: Demux in Settings

  1. Open Settings, go to Preprocessing.
  2. Turn on eac3to: Demux (m2ts -> h264, mkv, m2v) by ticking on the checkbox.
  3. Click Edit... and add ts as one of the Supported Input File Types, so the textbox will enclose the string m2ts ts. validate (OK), (OK).
  4. Drop or open your .ts/.m2ts file.

The video/audio/subtitle streams in your .ts/.m2ts file will be demuxed to separate files.

If this method does not succeed, try the next one.

Method 4 - Using DGIndexNV (advanced users, DGDecNV)

DGDecNV is known for having reliable .ts/.m2ts support, and it's available for free starting on April 26, 2021. (But it requires an Nvidia graphics card.)

If you use this tool, it will allow you to demux your ts and m2ts files without errors in almost all cases. And if an error occurs, you can visit the developer's forum for assistance.

Here is a complete guide on setting up StaxRip to make use of DGDecNV: How to register DGDecNV(DGSource and DGIndexNV) in StaxRip

Other Methods (external tools)

Remuxing with tsMuxeR or TS-Doctor(non free) might help as well in certain cases.