Getting Arcane Gold - stal111/Forbidden-Arcanus GitHub Wiki

Currently there are 3 different ways of getting Arcane Gold:

  1. You could simply craft it (You will need to craft at least your first ingot in order to use the other ways).

  2. You could search a Flower Forest Biome and collect a Yellow Orchid. That flower can be used to craft a Golden Orchid together with an Arcane Gold Ingot. When it's fully grown and you break it, it will drop one Arcnae Gold Nugget (Plant it on Magical Farmland to get double drops).

  3. You could mine for Arcane Gilded Darkstone, it generates in Darkstone veins near Bedrock. In order to get Arcane Gold from it you need to mine it with an Arcane Golden Pickaxe.