Adding support for a new synthesis engine - stakira/OpenUtau GitHub Wiki

OpenUtau is an open source singing synthesis platform. Anyone who develops their singing synthesis engine can use OpenUtau as its UI. This article introduces how to add support for a new synthesis engine, taking DiffSinger as an example. DiffSinger is a typical machine learning based singing synthesis engine that uses the classic packaging format

Design singer packaging format

Singer packaging format is how users of your synthesis engine will build and distribute their voicebanks. We suggest using the classic packaging format if possible, which is the same packaging format that UTAU, ENUNU and DiffSinger singers use. Using the classic packaging format will make your voicebank compatible with the latest universal features of OpenUtau in future updates.

Here is the folder structure of classic packaging format

├─ character.txt
├─ character.yaml
├─ ...the other files and folders containing the voice data.

character.txt and character.yaml contain the basic information of your voicebank, including the name of your voicebank, type of your voicebank and the phonemizer it uses

character.txt example:

name=Zhibin Diffsinger

character.yaml example:

text_file_encoding: utf-8
portrait_opacity: 0.67
default_phonemizer: OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DiffSingerPhonemizer
singer_type: diffsinger

Tips for designing your packaging format:

  • Use only lower-cased ascii characters for filenames if possible, because ascii characters don't get garbled on a PC in different locales.
  • Use a special prefix for file names and folder names. For example, in DiffSinger voicebanks, dsdur, dspitch, dsvariance, dsconfig and dsvocoder start with "ds". This perfix clearly states that these files are used by diffsinger renderer.

Define singer type

To define a singer type, you'll need to create a singer class that inherits USinger. Here are some important features you need to implement in this class:

  • object initializer: Load avatar, subbanks (voice colors), phonemes list in object initializer
  • FreeMemory: If your voicebank stores large resources in memory, use this function to free them when the singer is no longer used. Note that the voicebank may be used again even after this method is called, and this method may be called even when the singer has not been used.

An example is DiffSingerSinger

You also have to regist your singer type to everywhere else in OpenUtau's codebase that works differently according to singer type, including:

Add a renderer for your synthesis engine

Starting from here, we'll add our synthesis code into OpenUtau. Create a new folder under OpenUtau.Core and put all the code for your synthesis engine there.

A renderer should implement IRenderer. Here are the main features of a renderer:

  • Render: Synthesize audio based on RenderPhrase input
  • LoadRenderedPitch: Auto generate pitch curve based on RenderPhrase input (optional, use SupportsRenderPitch to declare)
  • SupportsExpression: Declare the expressions that your engine supports.
  • GetSuggestedExpressions: If your engine supports custom expressions, use this API to provide them to the user.

An example is DiffSingerRenderer

Add phonemizers for your synthesis engine

OpenUtau's phonemizer is independent from renderer. If existing phonemizers already meet your needs, you won't need to write your own phonemizers.

If you're going to write a phonemizer, see Developing new phonemizers

If your phonemizer is based on machine learning models, you can inherite MachineLearningPhonemizer where you need to implement the ProcessPart function that takes phrases and write the timing results into partResult. DiffSingerBasePhonemizer is an example.