ATTILA Thruster - sswelm/KSP-Interstellar-Extended GitHub Wiki
An electrical engine that provides more thrust than a Plasma Thruster but with a lower ISP.
Here are some stats for a 1.25 ATTILA in vacuum, with 68MW of power (typical for an upgraded KIWI fission reactor):
Fuel Thrust ISP Fuel/sec
Argon 16.6 kN 634.2 .53/s
Xenon 27.2 kN 352.2 77.6/s
Lithium 7.2 kN 1646.8 .44/s
Monoprop 10.1 kN 713.5 .36/s
Liquid 3.5 kN 2854.0 .02/s
For comparison, here is a plasma engine with the same power input:
Fuel Thrust ISP Fuel/sec
Argon 4.3 kN 2491.8 .03/s
Xenon 6.9 kN 1383.7 5.11/s
Lithium 1.8 kN 6469.9 .03/s
Monoprop 2.6 kN 2803.3 .02/s
Liquid 0.9 kN 11213.0 <0.01/s
As you can see, the ATTILA is much less efficient (meaning it has a lower ISP) than the Plasma Thruster , but produces about 4x the thrust.