Milestone 8: SIEM Installation - squatchulator/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

Milestone 8: SIEM Installation

Worked on this project collaboratively with:

Miles Campbell, David Thomsen, Jacob Mayotte, Maxwell Berry, and Benji Gifford

Updated code here

  • To get Wazuh deployed on a remote system, we need to do some prep first. Download the CentOS 7 2009 Minimal ISO from the CentOS official website and upload it to your ESXi.
  • Once finished, create 2 new VMs; one called Wazuh-01 and one called Wks-01. Give them some pretty standard specs and put them on the Blue network.
  • Boot and run throhgh the installer on both - prep them with a new admin user named deployer, set their alternate DNS to, and perform a yum update on both. Once this finishes, take a snapshot called Base.
  • Head over to xubuntu-wan and go into your Ansible directory - create 3 new files. One needs to be a new inventory file called wazuh-inv.txt, and the other 2 need to be in the Ansible directory and named wazuh-agnet.yml and wazuh-install.yml. Your directory structure should look something like this:


  • Edit the inventory file and place in the following. These will be the variables for our Ansible endpoints:
<your server IP> ansible_ssh_user=deployer

<your agent IP> ansible_ssh_user=deployer
  • Now go into the wazuh-install file. Add in the following to it:
- name: Wazuh Configuration
  hosts: wazuh_servers
    - name: Downloading The Wazuh Server Script
        chdir: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/
        cmd: curl -sO
    - name: Allow port 443, 1514, 1515, 55000 through firewalld
      become: yes
      shell: firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1514/tcp && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1515/tcp && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=55000/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
    - name: Run Wazuh Server Script
      become: yes
        cmd: bash ./ -a -i
        chdir: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/
    - name: Start and Enable Wazuh Indexer
      shell: systemctl enable wazuh-indexer-performance-analyzer && systemctl start wazuh-indexer-performance-analyzer
      become: true
    - name: Output Password
      shell: tar -O -xvf wazuh-install-files.tar wazuh-install-files/wazuh-passwords.txt
      become: true
    - name: Bounce The Box
      shell: "sleep 5 && restart -r"
      become: yes
      async: 1
      poll: 0
  • Add the following into wazuh-agent:
- name: Wazuh Agent Configuration
  hosts: wazuh_agents
  become: true
    - name: Install Wazuh agent package
        name: ""
        state: present
        WAZUH_MANAGER: ""
        WAZUH_AGENT_GROUP: "default"
    - name: Allow port 1514, 1515, 55000 through firewalld
      become: yes
      shell: firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1514/tcp && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1515/tcp && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=55000/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
    - name: Enable and Start Wazuh Agent
      become: yes
      shell: systemctl enable wazuh-agent && systemctl start wazuh-agent
    - name: Bounce The Box
      shell: "sleep 5 && restart -r"
      become: yes
      async: 1
      poll: 0
  • Now go into the directory that Ansible is located in. Run the following command to get the server installed:
 ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/wazuh-inv.txt --ask-pass ansible/wazuh-install.yml -K -vvv 
  • Copy the password for the admin user that is displayed, and go into a GUI box on the Blue network (worst case you can just switch one real fast). Navigate to your server's IP address and enter the username and password when prompted. If everything goes well, you should be in!
  • Now to get the agent going, run this commnad:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/wazuh-inv.txt --ask-pass ansible/wazuh-agent.yml -K -vvvv 
  • At this point, you should just be able to go into Wazuh and see your agent there. Explore a bit and look for logs and whatnot!