Lab 6.1: Password Cracking - squatchulator/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

Lab 6.1 - Password Cracking

Step 1: Download seclists

  • Run sudo apt install seclists
  • Now, ssh into the box using the username and password.
  • Run tail -n 3 /etc/passwd as well as tail -n 3 /etc/shadow

Step 2: Download John the Ripper

  • Run sudo apt-get install john

  • sudo unshadow etc_passwd.txt etc_shadow.txt > /tmp/crack.password.db

  • Unzip the rockyou list with sudo gzip -d /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz

  • Run grep -E '(\w{11,})' /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt > /home/<user>/rockyou_small.txt

  • To make sure it will run, run rm /home/<user>/.john/john.rec

  • Perform the password crack with john --wordlist=/home/<user>/run_john.txt /tmp/crack.password.db

  • Now, run the following to generate a SHA512 hash for the password with the passlib library. It will do 1000 rounds of hashing, and uses the salt provided.

cat /tmp/crack.password.db | grep gandalf

python3 -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt

cat /tmp/crack.password.db | grep galadriel

python3 -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt

cat /tmp/crack.password.db | grep boromir

python3 -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt

Step 3: Crack some of the hashes with hashcat now.

- Just to make the passwords permanent: 
  - `sudo unshadow etc_passwd.txt etc_shadow.txt > /home/<user>/unshadowed.txt`
hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 -o cracked_hashes.txt /tmp/crack.password.db rockyou_small.txt
  • You should now be able to open the cracked_hashes.txt file and see the passwords that were cracked. Yipee!!


This lab was the coolest we've done so far in my opinion. I had never really seen the methodology behind password guessing/hash cracking before, and it was really cool doing it on my own. This gives me a lot less confidence in string passwords or short passwords ending with 2 numbers like the ones set up in our environment, as well as a lot of confidence in password managers that let you generate passwords. I use Bitwarden to protect all of my passwords and have a very complex master password, and I do not think it could be cracked using this method - but it is still really cool to see how the process works. It gives me a lot of insight into how those who may not be savvy in cybersecurity and protecting their passwords could be targeted if their passwords appear in a data leak or are guessed.

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