Lab 12: Installing and Configuring MySQL - squatchulator/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

On a server with PHP installed,

  • Install MySQL: yum install php-mysql
  • Ensure server has an IP and is connected
  • Install MariaDB, a community-run fork of MySQL: yum install mariadb-server mariadb
  • systemctl start mariadb and systemctl enable mariadb.service
  • Run mysql_secure_installation to finish. Set a new password, and answer all with Y.
  • Run yum install php php-mysql
  • Restart Apache systemctl restart httpd.service
  • Create a new file in the webroot directory nano /var/www/html/info.php
  • Add the following: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  • Save and close, and navigate to http://server-ip/info.php Log into MySQL server using login from last lab:
  • mysql -u root -p

Show existing databases:


Create a new database:


Create a table inside the database:

  • Select table with USE pets
  • (
  • id INT unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, # Unique ID for the record
  • name VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, # Name of the cat
  • owner VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, # Owner of the cat
  • birth DATE NOT NULL, # Birthday of the cat
  • PRIMARY KEY (id) # Make the id the primary key
  • );

See information on all columns of a table:

  • DESCRIBE cats;

Adding records to a table:

  • INSERT INTO cats ( name, owner, birth) VALUES
  • ( 'Siggy', 'Harold', '2018-01-05' ),
  • ( 'Freya', 'Gutenber', '2017-11-10' ),
  • ( 'Patches', 'Charlie', '2015-05-15' );

Retrieve records from a table:

  • SELECT * FROM cats;

Select specific columns and rows by a certain condition:

  • SELECT name FROM cats WHERE owner = 'Charlie';

Deleting a record from a table:

  • DELETE FROM cats WHERE name='Freya';

Adding or deleting a column from a table:

  • ALTER TABLE cats ADD gender CHAR(1) AFTER name;
  • ALTER TABLE cats DROP gender;

View details of table: